Walk On The Copper Hill
  Oct 14th 2024 1:33pm
famistudio format is actually insane, but rip all the tracker enthusiasts contracting daw-fluenza when they even consider using this.. oh well what can you do

anyway short backstory ive used famistudio since i started composing its very cool

anyway the song itself, had alot of fun with this one. i had a general vibe for it in mind and i managed to pull it off in some shape or form. i wanted it to be a somewhat long-ish vibey song, later i came up with doing like a wierd reversed instrumentation which worked out really well. the transition from that part to the one after is a little wierd but oh well

gg, hope yall cook some really good stuff with famistudio

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Level 12 Chipist
post #199112 :: 2024.10.15 6:57am
  RevvoBolt liēkd this
  NikoAnimation hæitd this
muahahaha I’m gonna make a song using Famitracker and then import the nsf into famistudio! and no one can stop me!
Level 2 n00b
John Favourite
post #200551 :: 2024.11.09 4:03pm
  NikoAnimation liēkd this
I love the note fade ins, It gives the song a lot of flavor!
Level 24 Chipist
th4 D34D
post #200803 :: 2024.11.13 10:33pm
  kilowatt64 and NikoAnimation liēkd this
This sounds awesome, the Sunsoft sounds really really tie it together. Very cool vibe to chill out to. Would be dope in a Famicom racing game for a night level.

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