
descriptioncore diy

Level 11 Chipist

249th Σ2.577

216th Σ3.817

203rd Σ4.015

flower power 
246th Σ2.857

spring in pants 
230th Σ3.408

Uncharted Territory
  230th/272   Σ16.675   May 6th 2022 12:43pm
WARNING: This score takes a long time to load (a bit under 3 minutes on my laptop). If you have 'Show start center' turned on in preferences, MuseScore will take a long time to load the next time you open the program as well. Remove mention of my score from %appdata%/MuseScore/MuseScore3.ini to fix this.

Note: Depending on your pc and what it's doing, playback might be inconsistent (that is, more inconsistent than it would normally be). Render to WAV for most reliable result.

This track was made with MuseSynthesis, a console program that I have been working on. There's a lot more that I would like to implement, but trying to actually create a track with the tool wasn't very motivating: I can't figure out the consistenties of MuseScore3's sound engine, which makes it hard to predict what will work and what doesn't. Want to use a higher note? Track will collapse. Want to use a lower note? Track will collapse. Want to add a rest? Track will collapse. Want to remove a rest? Track will collapse. Want to use a different sound? Track will collapse. Loading times are better than I was expecting them to be after initial testing, but 3 minutes of waiting to load a 1 minute track is still not great.
That said, if you would like to make something with MuseSynthesis, help figure out how to make MuseScore cooperate, or develop the program further, hit me up (on Discord, preferrably: 607#2735). There is a GitHub repository: https://github.com/607GitHub/MuseSynthesis . It is lacking a readme and releases (among other things, I'm sure) but if you bug me about it maybe I'll work on that.

About the track: I was mostly trying to balance seeing what I could do without everything falling apart and making something musical. I did not want to make a proof of concept, I wanted a track with interesting melodies and harmonies, and a consistent feel. There was quite a bit that I had to scrap because it did collapse. I also would've liked to put more meat in the track, but eh, I'm glad to be done with it. :P

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Blast_Brothers - Rappelling Into the Stomach of the Roboworm

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Bravoman - I Tried
Level 11 Chipist
post #155740 :: 2022.05.06 1:05pm
  mirageofher liēkd this
Heh, I don't think I should be getting Mixist points for this. :rolleyes:
Level 31 Chipist
post #155741 :: 2022.05.06 2:19pm
  607 and mirageofher liēkd this
very interesting... the result is kinda reminiscent of zxbeep and friends. definitely not what i would expect to hear in musescore format, cool entry
Level 23 Pedagogist
post #155743 :: 2022.05.06 3:11pm
  607 liēkd this
my mind read the title like unchained melody

damnnnn u demoing music software!! huge props!!!

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