Level 24 Chipist
post #42078 ::
2014.04.28 12:38pm :: edit 2014.05.17 3:30pm
Fearofdark, Flaminglog, raphaelgoulart, Savestate, Slimeball and Curious liēkd this
Fearofdark, Flaminglog, raphaelgoulart, Savestate, Slimeball and Curious liēkd this
forgot to credit people who contributed so i'll post it here:
Curious[name], FearofDark[encouraging me in an indirect way], and others who i forgot to mention. thank you!!
EDIT: kfaraday, please read this comment aswell in the st3 synclisten! its part of the description!
Curious[name], FearofDark[encouraging me in an indirect way], and others who i forgot to mention. thank you!!
EDIT: kfaraday, please read this comment aswell in the st3 synclisten! its part of the description!