Level 29 Mixist
post #43038 ::
2014.05.18 6:15pm
Slimeball, ChipJockey, Vinyl Scratch, Flaminglog, raphaelgoulart, 9999HP and Zillah liēkd this
Doxic hæitd this
Slimeball, ChipJockey, Vinyl Scratch, Flaminglog, raphaelgoulart, 9999HP and Zillah liēkd this
Doxic hæitd this
[19:13:37] 0<golgi> !seen jesus
[19:13:38] 16<TMAnna> golgi, I found 5 matches to your query: raphaelshamolart, rg|away, raphaelgoulight, raphalegoulosa, jesus. raphaelshamolart (~raphaelgo@201-92-168-241.dsl.telesp.net.br) was last seen changing his/her nick to raphaelgoulart on #botb 38 weeks 1 day 6 hours 9 minutes ago (24.08. 19:03), but raphaelgoulart mysteriously dematerialized.
you'll never take raphaelgaylart away from me you sicko!
[19:13:38] 16<TMAnna> golgi, I found 5 matches to your query: raphaelshamolart, rg|away, raphaelgoulight, raphalegoulosa, jesus. raphaelshamolart (~raphaelgo@201-92-168-241.dsl.telesp.net.br) was last seen changing his/her nick to raphaelgoulart on #botb 38 weeks 1 day 6 hours 9 minutes ago (24.08. 19:03), but raphaelgoulart mysteriously dematerialized.
you'll never take raphaelgaylart away from me you sicko!