It's not nice to accuse me of deliberately breaking things. I just wanted to make a large map with lots of things because that's what I like. :(
I'm not very experienced with DOOM mapping. My knowledge of DOOM mapping is limited to what I could learn from (video) tutorials and figure out by myself! (if it "works", it works! :P) I was completely unaware of vanilla DOOM compatibility being a big issue with a lot of maps/editors.
I don't know from the top of my head what the limits are of the DOOM engine. I was expecting Doom Builder's map analyzer to tell me that I was breaking compatibility with the original DOOM. It reports a lot of things that don't crash anything, after all! :P
Personally, I think a map editor should, to the very least, warn you if you're exceeding any limits, especially if you're working in DOOM rather than ZDOOM/Hexen/Strife mode.
I could make the puzzle room a lot smaller, but then I'd have to find a solution for custom textures, floors and music as well. They're causing most of the errors. I've tried several hours to get those at least working with the original DOOM, but I got errors despite trying every solution I found. When I replaced all of them with the default textures was when I encountered the crash and gave up on the idea of trying to get it to work with the original DOOM. Making your map compatible with the original DOOM shouldn't be this frustrating!!! :P
I don't know what's exactly wrong with my map. It doesn't help when the editors I use just keep saving it in an incompatible format without throwing any error or warning.
So, I was thinking, it has happened before that people submitted .it files as TIA, .mmf files as Adlib, .it files with MPT hacks as S3XMODIT, .dmf files as SID and didn't get downvoted for it. I know I didn't downvote them for it.
It's frustrating when the tools you're using don't do what they're supposed to do at the end of the day when you've put many long hours of work into it. I hope you'll understand and not give me a pile of 1s.