Nice, some samples in it make it even nicer
This was originally made in Octamed in the 90's. It was converted to XM and the 8-bit samples were replaced with 16-bit samples. The file sat unused and forgotten for over a decade and has now has been converted to SPC.
As per usual, this song uses some non-standard IT vibrato waveforms (also vibrato is taking up a lot of bytes; it's used almost everywhere... it's why I'm always running out of bytes), filter sweeps, noise frequency sweeps, pitch modulation, and an 8 sample wavetable to cycle through. In a couple of places I've used some of psycopathicteen's code to generate two operator FM wave samples.
I hadn't planned on pulling a George Lucas*, but I shortened some samples and increased the echo. The song now uses echo delay 7, 9, and 10.
This is the most description I've ever given.
* Making 1,000 modifications after the initial release.
Pattern data: 6982 bytes
Sample data: 29529 bytes
Instrument data: 314 bytes
Envelope data: 915 bytes
Header size: 616 bytes
Echo region: 20480 bytes
Total: 58836 bytes
Module Length: 166/200
Patterns: 36/64
Instruments: 61/64
Samples: 52/64