Level 23 Mixist

12th Σ6.040

87th Σ5.197

52nd Σ5.414

63rd Σ5.299

shit chipants 
70th Σ5.141

Teddy Issues
  50th/251   Σ27.090   Feb 12th 2016 9:21am
Take a few minutes to listen to this song and think about your long lost companion and best fried who was probably exiled into the deep dark of the attic carving out the rest of his existence in a corner stuffed into some random box.

Wherever he might be, he still remembers the innocent times you spend together on all those exciting adventures - fighting dragons, having tea parties or just hanging out on a saturday morning watching cartoons. He never gave up hope that one day you might return and maybe for a short while dive back into the glorious adventures you both had. He's hoping to relive those sweet sweet childhood memories for a single precious moment.

Listen to this and remember that he misses you and he hasn't forgotten you and all he wants is to be held one last time.


Well probably not because it's just a toy but wouldn't that be sad?

Anyway, cheers.

previous entry
Savestate - Skylines and Airlines

nextious entry
mega9man - Another Adventure -- Part 2
Level 19 Chipist
Modus Ponens
post #63168 :: 2016.02.12 2:09pm
  ko0x liēkd this
This makes me want to get a really sweet teddy bear and go back in time and give it to my childhood self and tell him to cherish it forever!
Level 14 Mixist
post #63208 :: 2016.02.13 5:38pm
  ko0x liēkd this
wow this is really upbeat and happy

Level 23 Mixist
post #63314 :: 2016.02.15 2:53am
  sethdonut, Baron Knoxburry and johnfn liēkd this
  Savestate hæitd this
meh, a bit lame that you automatically favorite your own track if you listen to it -.-
Level 10 Chipist
Talkboy Arcade
post #64021 :: 2016.02.25 11:22am
  ko0x and tobokegao liēkd this
all 7s.
Level 16 Chipist
post #64449 :: 2016.03.02 6:04pm
  sethdonut and ko0x liēkd this
Hey ko0x! Nice to see you on BotB, nice to see you in general! Wee need to catch up.

Gonna give you an oldschool Modulez-style review or old times sake!

Kay, gonna listen now...

Now as usual, the tunage is amazing, the beginning is nice, the leads captivating and inventive. Skillful chordprogression, nice overlays.

The latter apreggioed part is my favorite, the lead and mood is amazing. Then returns to traditional, then you change it again, nice.

And then there is a calmer part with very nice jingles in the background. Awesome tune-out, no fadeout, skilfull all the way.

Awesome entry! Among the best entries so far!

It's going to be hard not to give this tune a top score... :D

Cheers, and chip on!
Level 21 Mixist
post #64708 :: 2016.03.06 10:30am
i am technically voting against myself and my only entry by all-7ing this but w/e
Level 6 Chipist
post #64806 :: 2016.03.07 1:46am
I like it :3

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