moar CODIST formats
BattleoftheBits is all about appreciating retro stuff, like retro chip music, retro COCK ROCK / glam metal music, and retro art styles such as pixel art, Japanese Ukiyo-e wood block painting, and things like that.
That's why I'm proposing that we have Tcl/Tk programming as a format.
Tcl/Tk is a simple yet powerful programming that's very fun to use, and better yet, anything made with it looks like it came straight from a Unix workstation circa 1988... fantastically retro and nostalgic, and very comfy.
For this mix battle art, I actually made a full complete working little interactive demonstration toy program in Tcl/Tk, my mix battle art is a screenshot of it.
In the top left we have a button that pops up a message, a check button (which does nothing but looks very nice), some scrollbars, and the Tcl/Tk logo with a slider next to it that makes it shrink.
In the top right we have a sine wave with some controls that adjust frequency and DC offset.
In the bottom right there's a mini text editor, you can load and save and copy/cut/paste text.
In the bottom left there's a little image renderer toy that accepts three strings and uses them as expressions to render a small little picture. There's also a little progressbar that shows you the progress of the render. If you put invalid stuff in the RGB text fields, you get a little error message box telling you what's wrong.
The code is here: https://github.com/dusthillresident/MyMiscTclTkStuff/blob/main/battleofthebits.tcl
It runs on windows and linux. To run it on windows, look up "tclkit" and download the latest version. On Linux, make sure you have tcl and tk installed, and then run it like "tclsh battleofthebits.tcl"
Thank you for looking and reading!