Level 0 n00b

heart magic 
210th Σ4.476

brain tech 
255th Σ4.134

bleep plan 
196th Σ4.723

tweak tact 
243rd Σ4.258

our winter pants 
198th Σ4.496

  229th/324   Σ22.087   Feb 24th 2023 2:42pm
The 70s and 80s saw an explosion of amazing funk bands from the Caribbean taking influences from the US, West Africa and their own backyards. I've been listening to that a lot lately, and I thought, what if one of those groups got put in charge of a video game soundtrack?

Instrumentation is all various patches made in Massive, with a few effects provided by Fabfilter Pro-R, Ozone Imager, and Ableton's simple delay. I'm new to this, but I tried to keep to the spirit of chiptune by sticking to the classic waveforms (with a few of the voices being a square-saw blend, especially helpful for mimicking that lovely transistor organ sound) and mostly limiting effects usage to helping the various tracks stand out in the mix better.

I just had someone tell me about BotB last weekend, so I might have gone more ornate with more time here, but sometimes it's good to have an external force to put the kibosh on endless obsessive tweaking.

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Blue_Christmas - Jimmy Adhesive

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02FD - i did not have sexual relations with that drum loop.mod
Level 25 XHBist
post #167818 :: 2023.02.24 3:27pm
  cabbage drop liēkd this
groovy >:D
Level 25 Chipist
th4 D34D
post #167837 :: 2023.02.24 9:20pm
  cabbage drop and kilowatt64 liēkd this
I don't think I've ever listened to one of those bands you're talking about, but this sounds like a pretty good representation of your description of the genre.

Massive is an awesome and pretty easy wavetable synth, with lots of great easy automation tools. But you might still have fun messing around with some of the many free chiptune VSTs. If you have a chance, check out some like P/Nes 8-Bit Monster, YM2612 VST, C700, etc. has a lot of them listed, some broken links but you can probably google a mirror.
Level 31 Chipist
post #167856 :: 2023.02.25 6:31am
  cabbage drop liēkd this
this does indeed feel like it could go straight into a game as a level or area theme!
Level 22 Chipist
post #169147 :: 2023.03.26 5:16am
  cabbage drop liēkd this
Welcome to the battol! Stellar first entry too :)

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