Level 25 Chipist
NES/Famicom 2A03

heart magic 
49th Σ5.734

brain tech 
96th Σ5.383

bleep plan 
16th Σ6.015

tweak tact 
88th Σ5.381

our winter pants 
91st Σ5.235

Space Bar Blues
  58th/348   Σ27.748   Jan 31st 2024 9:16pm
You walk into a bar bursting with bizarre-bodied aliens. They sure dig the blues.

Inspired by one of my favorite songs of all time: Cantina Band. I don't usually use the DPCM channel all that much, but considering there's an NSF and NSFclassic in this battle I felt that I should utilize the DPCM here to differentiate the two. I took 2 crappy steel drum samples off a random youtube video, and it's slightly out of tune, but hey that gives it more charm I hope.
I was worried it sounds too busy and cluttered with all that's going on, but maybe that will add to the lively alien vibe.
Feedback is always appreciated! :)

previous entry
haberchuck - Save Point

nextious entry
haberchuck - Ongoing Investigation
Level 25 Chipist
post #183822 :: 2024.01.31 9:18pm
  SRB2er liēkd this
Also just realized my two entries so far are space themed... maybe I should continue the theme for the rest of my winterchip entries.
Level 22 Chipist
post #183825 :: 2024.01.31 11:08pm
  Prestune liēkd this
now THIS is groove to dance to (in a bar)

love the triangle usage here, and also the pulse channels as an second lead
(peak pulse Bass action)
Level 31 Chipist
post #183833 :: 2024.02.01 6:31am
  kilowatt64 and Prestune liēkd this
hah i definitely feel the relation to Cantina Band but i also love all the places this winds up going in just a couple minutes of life! you have a really great knack for lively melodies and arrangements, i hope you keep at it for years to come.

also the steel drum did add a lot of character imo!
Level 27 Chipist
post #185130 :: 2024.02.20 6:41pm
  Prestune liēkd this
I really love the drum solo!
Level 20 Chipist
post #185628 :: 2024.02.25 10:15am
  Prestune liēkd this
wow an immaculate PresTune!! not much to say that hasn't been said already though, the steel drum IS incredibly charming (& probably my favorite part of this), & the drum solo is really cool :D
Level 15 Chipist
post #186008 :: 2024.02.29 9:20pm
  Prestune liēkd this
had a bad day. but caught myself giggling. that's how you make quirky properly.
Level 24 Chipist
post #186632 :: 2024.03.10 9:11pm
  Prestune liēkd this
This section makes sense.
This slaps
Level 28 Chipist
post #187228 :: 2024.03.25 8:09am
  Prestune liēkd this
This song is well written and incredibly fun and memorable. Sometimes your writing reminds me of that same quality from Lukas Erikkson/Luaks in this way, a la Mute Detonation
Level 15 Chipist
post #187275 :: 2024.03.27 4:52am :: edit 2024.03.27 4:53am
  Prestune liēkd this
i just remembered: DANNY ELFMAN!
it's decidedly Danny Elfman, with Oingo Boingo or without, to me. sorry if this is a shot far from bull's eye :)

(also Michael Land's DOTT soundtrack. kind of.)

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