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Level 14 Chipist
SNES / Super Famicom

heart magic 
163rd Σ5.024

brain tech 
195th Σ4.856

bleep plan 
147th Σ5.224

tweak tact 
180th Σ4.852

our winter pants 
164th Σ4.888

  175th/348   Σ24.844   Feb 14th 2024 11:55am
first real c700 chip... paying homage to earthbound with this one
used earthbound samples and chrono trigger, but mostly earthbound.


previous entry
sethdonut - Everything Will Be Alright

nextious entry
SnugglyBun - Fighting Spirits
Level 31 Chipist
post #184557 :: 2024.02.14 5:57am :: edit 2024.02.14 12:35pm
  KungFuFurby liēkd this
thanks for fixing the upload~ heads up, you'll want to re-export this as an .smc instead of .spc because this file is blank -- this happens if you run out of .spc memory with c700 (it will have also exported a .700 file that all your song data was offloaded to). luckily an easy fix though, should be as simple as using .smc output instead. you can resubmit here!

i love the tune though! it has a lot of the Grant Kirkhope energy in terms of mood and harmony, although you also take it to a very cool climax that is quite different from him in the end. spooky!
Level 22 Chipist
Titan of Plasma
post #184568 :: 2024.02.14 10:34am
Someone achieved their first C700 entry <3 ! I'm still struggling with mine (perhaps it's not gonna happen without an extension ;_; ).

Congratulations on your first C700, that gave me motivation to complete the one I'm working on. I loved the spooky yet playful vibes and the harmony that goes with them.
Level 27 Chipist
post #184585 :: 2024.02.14 2:03pm
Yes, the song was correctly re-exported.

I'll explain a little bit more on what happened to you... submitting only the .spc file in this case results in unrecoverable and unplayable song data because it never existed in the .spc file in the first place. The .700 file is a Script700 file... which to my knowledge is not only not Battle of the Bits endorsed (it's a way to send commands and modify SPC700 parameters without having the SNES side intervene... but yet, it's also not a SNES-side program. It's a more custom solution), but also requires the correct .spc file to play back properly, and has far less player support, with me knowing not one player for my own platform at the moment.
Level 14 Chipist
watch out
post #184606 :: 2024.02.14 10:24pm :: edit 2024.02.15 11:57am
Thanks, I wasn't really sure what the deal was... also, does that mean that next time I just upload the 700 file, or resort to smc every time?
Level 26 Mixist
post #184717 :: 2024.02.16 9:28am
  damifortune liēkd this
if you can write your song within the 64KB audio memory limits (i.e. you export to .spc and it does not give any .700 file, only the .spc) then you can submit that spc! otherwise, if you'd like to be free to write any amount of music, then you can export to and submit as .smc... (the .700 file is a custom solution only playable with SPCplay and not accepted in the format)
Level 27 Chipist
post #185937 :: 2024.02.28 9:31pm
spooky :o

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