Level 8 Chipist
NES/Famicom 2A03

nintendo power 
67th Σ3.595

difficulty spike 
69th Σ3.520

69th Σ3.370

66th Σ3.496

super pants 
67th Σ3.324

  68th/69   Σ17.305   Oct 11th 2017 10:18pm
Welp, this is done. I reworked an unfinished Sega Song I was working on and made it Nes and added stuff, I;m tired lol. Hopefully this one doesn't sound too much like something. Cause after listening to the last one I can definitely hear the Zelda 2. (update) now that I know what PCM does I touched up the drums. by using samples

previous entry
djmaximum - I've got a null1024 fever

nextious entry
erenurugoru - Platform on Harbor
Level 19 Chipist
post #91066 :: 2017.10.07 6:47pm :: edit 2017.10.08 4:12am
  BitscuitExe liēkd this
New one sounds great, I am also a big fan of semitone progressions. I have to check myself when i'm writing that I don't do too many of them!

Comment for original submission below
Isn't this a fairly blatant rip off of zelda 2? I think that sort of thing is frowned upon here (I could be wrong about that though...)
Level 8 Chipist
post #91067 :: 2017.10.07 6:49pm :: edit 2017.10.07 6:58pm
  ViLXDRYAD and th4 D34D liēkd this
I see what you mean. Yeah, they are based the same notes, that wasn't my intention though. It was something I threw together in like an hour so I'd have something for the thingy while also learning how deflemasks NES instruments work.
Level 24 Chipist
th4 D34D
post #91070 :: 2017.10.07 8:58pm :: edit 2017.10.08 1:41pm
  gotoandplay liēkd this
Hey good job on the track BE, you have some nice instruments and a interesting progression through the composition. You have some good ideas going on (that ending was cool)! However you need to render 2a03 as .nsf, not vgm.

As for the melody, well it's not the most complex to begin with and with only so many notes in the western scale... Anyway, I believe you are a victim of
It's an understandable thing that happens to most composers, you shouldn't feel bad about that. But you should join the botb discord or hop in the irc, and in the future maybe you can share a preview of your submission before you submit it. Also to use the Vanilla Ice "Ice Ice Baby" argument, your melody is actually distinct from the zelda 2 Palace Theme lol. ;P

Anyway, you have 15 hours 7 days to alter the notes if you want to resubmit. Either way, keep at it and keep learning those different chips, and trackers! They all have certain qualities they share that overlap, and techniques that can translate to each other.
Level 24 Chipist
th4 D34D
post #91101 :: 2017.10.08 2:49pm
  ViLXDRYAD liēkd this
Hey nice work! Glad you were able to resubmit. Cool little action track. Once again I'll say you definitely have some good ideas. It would be nice if you had a bass line (you can add it in the triangle track, in between your kick/snare notes), but good job over all. Keep it up!
Level 8 Chipist
post #91194 :: 2017.10.11 8:44am
Download for the original?
Level 8 Chipist
post #91200 :: 2017.10.11 9:58am :: edit 2017.10.11 10:01am
idk if I can add a download for the original on this? but here's a link to the original, I uploaded it to my soundcloud. pretty sure there's sites you can convert the link to audio or I could email it.
Level 27 Renderist
post #91420 :: 2017.10.19 5:43pm
thanks for submitting! if you wish to link the source file, please put it in your description. please take the time to resubmit the *.NSF file if you are able to. let us know if you need help.

try not to use so much punctuation in your submission song name! it may break linking.
Level 8 Chipist
post #91421 :: 2017.10.19 8:14pm
It seems Deflemask doesn't have a .NSF file? it's only dmf, rom, or vgm.
Level 27 Renderist
post #91423 :: 2017.10.20 6:23am :: edit 2017.10.20 6:31am
ROM will output an NSF file. :)

remember to resubmit without periods, questionmarks, etc. :)
Level 8 Chipist
post #91543 :: 2017.10.24 11:03am :: edit 2017.10.24 11:04am
A great song. The composition is daring in that it uses lead instrumentation that many composers tend to avoid. The DPCM samples are nice.

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