wahhh this is so cute :sob: feels like a rural pokemon village
Howdy pardner!
Are you sick and tired of the same ol' know-nothin dull as dirt chocolate bar? Well, worry no more! From your chiptune friends here at Battle of the Bits, creators of legendary music compilations such Winter Chip, Summer Chip and Advent Calendar, comes their latest and greatest new invention...... Chocolate!
YES, we make chocolate now apparently! Send your taste buds on an exciting new journey, with delicious flavors such "Genesis", "Amiga", and "Musescore" (which you are currently tasting right now!) One bite, and you'll taste the difference. Try one today!
(first time using Musescore, and first time writing in staff notation in the last 10 years. Idea started as a pastiche on Spongebob music but somehow got kind of a bouncy, country twang to it imo, so I rolled with it. Hope you dig!)