Level 24 Chipist
Atari TIA Chip

368th Σ2.206

367th Σ2.155

366th Σ2.088

368th Σ2.188

356th Σ2.914

Level 22 Chipist
post #36073 :: 2014.01.23 6:39am :: edit 2014.01.23 6:40am
  digitalpcock and Tilde liēkd this
7/7 first place amazing progression you really got the hang of the TIA chip.
im crying I don't think i can handle all of this
Level 22 Chipist
post #36075 :: 2014.01.23 6:50am :: edit 2014.02.17 10:25am
  digitalpcock and Doxic liēkd this

EDIT: Original intermission lost forever, proceed to entry disqualification.
Level 28 Chipist
post #36082 :: 2014.01.23 10:15am
  digitalpcock liēkd this
this made me laugh out loud.
Level 23 Chipist
irrlicht project
post #36086 :: 2014.01.23 10:31am
Level 19 Chipist
post #36101 :: 2014.01.23 1:46pm
  Tilde and ant1 liēkd this
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
Level 24 Chipist
post #36105 :: 2014.01.23 3:58pm
  Jangler, Lukas Eriksson, digitalpcock, epic_caterpillar and Doxic liēkd this
  goluigi hæitd this
compo over, no pint VoetIng, TilDE Alreay wonhg, ho vote,. dont veot. no more vo. cant .sop vote TILDE ALREADY WON. STOP VOTING! DO NOT VOTE ANY>TILDE WON Arleady. Compo over.
Level 22 Chipist
post #36107 :: 2014.01.23 4:15pm
  digitalpcock liēkd this
  goluigi hæitd this
compo over, no pint VoetIng, TilDE Alreay wonhg, ho vote,. dont veot. no more vo. cant .sop vote TILDE ALREADY WON. STOP VOTING! DO NOT VOTE ANY>TILDE WON Arleady. Compo over.compo over, no pint VoetIng, TilDE Alreay wonhg, ho vote,. dont veot. no more vo. cant .sop vote TILDE ALREADY WON. STOP VOTING! DO NOT VOTE ANY>TILDE WON Arleady. Compo over.compo over, no pint VoetIng, TilDE Alreay wonhg, ho vote,. dont veot. no more vo. cant .sop vote TILDE ALREADY WON. STOP VOTING! DO NOT VOTE ANY>TILDE WON Arleady. Compo over.compo over, no pint VoetIng, TilDE Alreay wonhg, ho vote,. dont veot. no more vo. cant .sop vote TILDE ALREADY WON. STOP VOTING! DO NOT VOTE ANY>TILDE WON Arleady. Compo over.compo over, no pint VoetIng, TilDE Alreay wonhg, ho vote,. dont veot. no more vo. cant .sop vote TILDE ALREADY WON. STOP VOTING! DO NOT VOTE ANY>TILDE WON Arleady. Compo over.
Level 25 Chipist
post #36110 :: 2014.01.23 5:22pm :: edit 2014.01.23 5:22pm
  Collidy, Jakerson, Quirby64, Lukas Eriksson, JINTAKE, digitalpcock, plrusek, Jangler, raphaelgoulart, Tilde, brightentayle, Flaminglog, Doxic, Baron Knoxburry, SketchMan3 and commandycan liēkd this
Wait, that wasn't even chiptune, just flat out 8-bit :(
Level 24 Pixelist
post #36112 :: 2014.01.23 5:46pm :: edit 2014.01.23 5:51pm
  digitalpcock, Tilde and Doxic liēkd this
I'm glad to be relieving your mammary pain, my dear comrade.
Level 26 Mixist
post #36118 :: 2014.01.23 8:32pm
  digitalpcock liēkd this
How am I supposed to compete against this? D:

Level 24 Chipist
post #36119 :: 2014.01.23 10:02pm
  digitalpcock and Zillah liēkd this
this is the funniest god damned thing
Level 24 Mixist
post #36134 :: 2014.01.24 4:23am
  digitalpcock liēkd this
I lost. We all lost. No point in continuing this compo, Tilde has already won with this entry.
Level 27 Renderist
post #36142 :: 2014.01.24 10:46am
  digitalpcock, goluigi, plrusek, Xyz, Tilde, Fearofdark, brightentayle and Flaminglog liēkd this
now who wants to be the dick admin that reuploads a proper render and enjoys reading the confused comments about this thread come voting time?
Level 25 Chipist
post #36143 :: 2014.01.24 11:53am
  digitalpcock and brightentayle liēkd this
but do you possess 95% of the TIA sources
Level 17 Playa
post #36145 :: 2014.01.24 3:37pm
  digitalpcock, plrusek, ShadowScythe and Doxic liēkd this
I can't wait what Tilde makes, that guy is craaaaazy!!
Level 4 Playa
post #36155 :: 2014.01.25 1:02am
  Doxic liēkd this
This is Tilde's happening and it freaks me out!
Level 22 Chipist
post #36196 :: 2014.01.26 2:03am
  Jangler, digitalpcock, Doxic and architect1 liēkd this
This is GREAT. There really should be more spoken word compos
Level 22 Chipist
post #37491 :: 2014.02.16 6:43pm
  digitalpcock and b00daw liēkd this
RIP in peece Pee Force
Level 24 Chipist
post #37494 :: 2014.02.16 8:19pm
  tael, big lumby, tennisers, RazerBlue6, digitalpcock, Slimeball, goluigi, raphaelgoulart and ShadowScythe liēkd this
  Jangler and Interrobang Pie hæitd this
T.W.'s I am Philosophy, and So Can You! Tonight's episode: Pee Force - OR - Tilde's Birthday Introspection Spectacular

With the original render gone, I'd like to bring up a subject I've been meaning to get into: The over-elaborated message behind a satirical Winter Chip IX entry called Pee Force.

Warning: Spoilers for Pee Force follow.

The original render consists of three minutes of me talking over classical music, fake ambiance, a real bottle of rum next to a bottle of water and a mug for deceptive SFX, and the faint noises of a simulated fireplace. In a wildly fluctuating accent, I praise the technological achievement of the TIA chip, express sympathy to the listener for having to sit through so many Winter Chip songs during the synclisten, and offer to give everyone's ears a rest by reading a poem I wrote that evening. After I give my best performance, which takes about two minutes, I lead slowly into the actual TIA entry, which is loud garbage vaguely imitating Atari melodies. Immediately after it ends, I drop the accent and ask in a loud, sarcastic voice whether it was worth it.

So, all bullshit aside, what exactly is this?

MY INTENTIONS ARE THESE: This song would be rated poorly, but favorited highly. My hope was that people would love it, and then vote all 1s. The point of Pee Force is that it is bad, and the entire joke revolves around this fact.

THE UNIRONIC SUBTEXT BEHIND THE RENDER IS THIS: Pee Force is a bad song, and I and many others don't like the Atari TIA chip. I find it to be a hassle, and this satire is my way of asserting myself and entertaining others despite those problems. In fact, it is only because the song is bad that the joke works. Unfortunately, my current skills in music do not match the ones I have for vocal work, editing, and comedic writing. I am an entertainer, and if I can't make pleasing music, I must find some other way to help the listener have fun. That Fire of Shibuya comes immediately after this is perfect happenstance.

So what happens now? Pee Force relies on its context; the fact that it's a bad song is what makes the surrounding mp3 worthwhile. Without it, it has no reason to exist. Without the render to work on, I would never have bothered, and what remains now is all skin and no meat. In my opinion, the original render should not have been removed, because I trust people to vote on the basis of the song while enjoying the satire. This is sadly my most popular entry, because I got to do something I'm already moderately good at: Taking the piss out of myself.

But I am not calling for the render to be put back. Whether or not it remained, this, the voting period, would have been the time to move on. The joke would have passed. This here is just an analysis I've been wanting to post for a while. It is the reality behind the goofiness. The legend of Pee Force, the briefly kind of funny three minute long mp3 file.

This has been KungFuFurby.
Level 24 Chipist
post #37495 :: 2014.02.16 8:45pm
  Tilde, digitalpcock, goluigi, Xyz and raphaelgoulart liēkd this
Okay, sure, but what about all of us who missed the joke?
Level 27 Chipist
post #37496 :: 2014.02.16 8:51pm :: edit 2014.02.17 8:35am
  Modus Ponens, digitalpcock, goluigi, raphaelgoulart, ShadowScythe, ElHuesudoII and Tilde liēkd this
  Doxic and anewuser hæitd this
Level 24 Chipist
post #37497 :: 2014.02.16 8:56pm
  digitalpcock and raphaelgoulart liēkd this
Thanks MM1! I for sure do enjoy joke entries like these one, even if I already know 'all there is to know about The Crying Game'.

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