Lukas Eriksson
Level 26 Chipist
2nd Σ5.947

3rd Σ6.174

2nd Σ5.989

3rd Σ5.985

ouch my pants 
3rd Σ5.832

My Main Imperfection
  2nd/27   Σ29.928   Sep 22nd 2014 2:31pm
This was fun to make. Sort of a new style for me, as always. I am still on the quest to figure myself out.



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Moose - ur 2 slow !!!!!!!!

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osoumen - Sound of Mnemon
Level 28 Chipist
post #47983 :: 2014.09.22 2:20pm :: edit 2014.09.22 2:24pm
  mega9man and Lukas Eriksson liēkd this
WARNING: Your EDL is set too high, resulting in sample data loss (Your .spc player probably does not emulate the echo writing to SPC700 RAM). The maximum EDL this song can handle is 12, not 15, based on a hex lookup.

At least one other song has also fallen prey to using too high of an EDL value... and I personally dealt with that one, too.

Here's your bugfixed .spc file:
Level 26 Chipist
Lukas Eriksson
post #47984 :: 2014.09.22 2:28pm
  goluigi and KungFuFurby liēkd this
Thanks for looking after me/us kff <3
Level 21 Mixist
post #48047 :: 2014.09.25 7:13pm
  Savestate, Lukas Eriksson, goluigi and raphaelgoulart liēkd this
source please? i really really love this
Level 26 Chipist
Lukas Eriksson
post #48050 :: 2014.09.26 3:10am
  Savestate liēkd this
Level 9 Playa
post #48058 :: 2014.09.26 2:43pm
  Lukas Eriksson and raphaelgoulart liēkd this
Very tasty melody, very good composition :)
Level 25 Mixist
post #48180 :: 2014.09.30 11:31am
  Lukas Eriksson liēkd this
This is lovely!
Level 29 Mixist
post #48194 :: 2014.09.30 10:13pm
  ceres and raphaelgoulart liēkd this
My main man, Joonas Karjalainen
Level 18 Chipist
post #48200 :: 2014.10.01 9:36am
  raphaelgoulart liēkd this
Thanks for sharing your source.

It's not much but at least 283 bytes can be saved be removing duplicate volume commands, removing arp when the volume is off, and changing the pattern length instead of using the pattern break command. Additional bytes could be saved by using volume envelopes.

Also, if you have the same instrument on a track and you set the volume to 1c and the next note is the same instrument and volume you can remove the instrument number and volume command and it will save bytes.
Level 26 Chipist
Lukas Eriksson
post #48202 :: 2014.10.01 9:58am :: edit 2014.10.01 9:59am
  raphaelgoulart liēkd this
Thanks for the tips!
Since I am using such small samples it doesn't really matter in this case, though. But I'm sure it will be useful later on!
I am usually very sloppy with this kind of stuff. :)
Level 24 Chipist
post #48342 :: 2014.10.05 3:38pm
  raphaelgoulart and Lukas Eriksson liēkd this
WOOOOOO Congrats on the placement, Lukas!! Great piece!
Level 28 Chipist
post #48407 :: 2014.10.07 9:47am
I actually tried removing the instrument number once to see if I could save bytes that way. The tactic didn't work for saving memory on the SNES end, presumably because it was already auto-optimized in some sort of fashion...
Level 18 Chipist
post #48412 :: 2014.10.07 11:58am :: edit 2014.10.09 10:37am
I suspect that when I "discovered" that, I must have deleted something else at the same time.

The other suggestions will save 290 bytes. I have seen some songs where I was able to save enough space to add more echo.

It might be better to have an option to have the converter ignore certain commands (like arp) when the volume is off and set the pattern length if pattern break is used.

Another 800-1000 bytes could be saved by using volume envelopes instead of using all those volume commands.
Since the samples being used are so short it still saves space even if several of the samples are duplicated with different volume envelopes.

Ah, one of the other things was when I was converting Amiga mods. I could save bytes by moving the bass drum and snare drum to their own channels. By not switching between instruments on the same channel I was able to save additional space.

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