Magic Moon Penguin Frozen Beach Parade
  Feb 13th 2025 4:43pm
Every new moon, when moon magic glistens down like lunar tears, the magic moon penguin iceberg parade drop by.
They welcome you onboard their merry propeller-guided iceberg, for a fun midnight party! All the penguins are happy to see you, and glad to celebrate.
What a fun time everyone's having! The moon magic power is making all the distant stars twinkle and flutter alongside the penguin dance!

And as the midnight hour comes to an end, and the magic begins to fade, they let you off - back onto dry land, waving goodbye and making agreeing nods to come visit again next year, when that same midnight strikes again in late magical winter. And the starry sky begins to sleep once more, under a light breeze of warm clouds.

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Level 14 Chipist
post #210819 :: 2025.02.13 8:39pm
  OminPigeonMaster and arceus413 liēkd this
hey, if you'd like, i can hardware render this for you, i'll have time to do so tomorrow
Level 23 Chipist
post #210821 :: 2025.02.13 9:14pm
  OminPigeonMaster and arceus413 liēkd this
Dying to know if the music comes first, inspiring the scene description, or the other way around. Perhaps both?

Characteristically playful work from OPM! Feels like I'm the cutest damned penguin platformer to ever grace the NES
Level 23 Chipist
post #210831 :: 2025.02.13 11:49pm :: edit 2025.02.13 11:50pm
  OminPigeonMaster liēkd this
i hardware rendered it instead :smileygoggles:
awesome entry also :D
Level 30 Chipist
post #210832 :: 2025.02.14 12:10am
  arceus413 liēkd this
Aaah thank you Arceus! Absolutely love a good ole organic hardware render :D likewise thanks for offering retrokid! Would always say yes please to one generally; not something I'd know how to do on my end.
And thanks!! Answering the chicken and the egg question Chuck, the music started things off, and then the scene was inspired by the first few patterns; they built eachother up from that point. :DD
Level 32 Chipist
post #210836 :: 2025.02.14 5:09am
  OminPigeonMaster liēkd this
super cute and fun.

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