  1st/6   Σ27.735   Oct 7th 2015 10:30pm

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Baron Knoxburry - is it impossible.mp3
Level 30 Mixist
post #60512 :: 2015.10.08 9:55pm
This is incredible
Level 22 Mixist
post #60513 :: 2015.10.09 12:17am
  MS, MisaelK, Baron Knoxburry and mootbooxle liēkd this
Dunno if it matters, but I cut some interesting samples and arranged them into loops that I thought sounded nice, added a filter and reverb, then took the resulting product from FL and put it into Audacity, which at that point I added (more) reverb and slowed the entire track down by 30% to create this effect. The slowed down and stretched out effect with lots of reverb creates that "shopping mall echos" that vaporwave is known for. The whole track is made of samples from the song, including the drum sample I isolated. It's not a perfect creation but the best I could make in an hour from the source material :P

Note: should have called it M[][]TWA\/E

Note 2: I kept waiting for you to see that we did a "vaporwave Mootbooxle song" OHB, heh.

Erm thanks for reading this huge wall o' text. I'm really fascinated with how vaporwave is made, and the types of samples and effects used to create it.

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