Level 28 Chipist

cool breeze 
70th Σ4.731

face melt 
22nd Σ5.095

fun in sun 
67th Σ4.692

excite the night 
70th Σ4.852

burning pants 
53rd Σ4.780

Lake Gusts
  58th/200   Σ24.149   Aug 21st 2016 11:54am
Forget sea breeze! For me, the chilly winds blowing off of the Great Lakes are the ideal.

Written with LogicPro 8, using the Kirby's Dreamland 3 soundfont. Ordinarily I would never write entirely with the instruments from one soundfont because I personally feel like that's boring, but I wanted to make sure I got as close to SNES restrictions as possible and this was easier than making a new sound set.

Used delay based on SNES' 16ms intervals restriction and tried my best to just make it sound right. At no point are more than 8 sounds being used.

I'd have translated this into something actually playable by SNES for that sweet SPC badge, but I still can't seem to find all the right tools to do it with a Mac!

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Chip Champion - Den of the Mutant Sewer Rats

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Modus Ponens - Anubis
Level 28 Chipist
post #77396 :: 2017.01.27 11:32am
  BubblegumOctopus liēkd this
On my end, I used to create .IT files and create .SPC files using a self-compiled version of SNESMod via XCode (and I have DOSBox and TASM, too, since that's how to compile SNESMod!). I have almost entirely abandoned the sound driver because I discovered some major weaknesses with the sound driver over the years.
Level 30 Mixist
Baron Knoxburry
post #115826 :: 2019.11.24 5:09pm
  BubblegumOctopus liēkd this
this track rocks
Level 28 Chipist
post #116029 :: 2019.12.08 12:21pm
ty Knoxburry, this is one of the songs I'm more proud of that I've done here uwu

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