Level 16 Chipist

246th Σ3.367

255th Σ3.291

242nd Σ3.367

246th Σ3.341

flowers in pants 
265th Σ2.960

LOL So Wacky
  251st/267   Σ16.325   May 8th 2017 10:05pm
Some trash VRC7 stuff. Look at me trying to submit a song with no chance at winning. No good melodies, no good structure, nothing good about this song. Please avoid this at all costs. FUN FACT: Did you know that this song has a 97% chance of killing whoever listens to it? Why 97%? I don't know. I don't read books.

previous entry
tennisers - fourier transform MY ASS

nextious entry
cce - happy little trees
Level 23 Pixelist
post #83579 :: 2017.05.09 9:04am
  DaJoshy liēkd this
Somehow i managed to survive the whole thing, guess i'm lucky or something ;o
tfw fellow defeatist
Level 16 Chipist
post #83580 :: 2017.05.09 9:17am
I should have expected it.
Level 30 Chipist
post #83593 :: 2017.05.09 3:05pm
  MiDoRi and Quirby64 liēkd this

I feel like you can become better; you just need to practice more, that's all. Find some inspiration, play around with piano keys, something to give you ideas. And yes, I also managed to spend some time listening to the whole thing; I just felt that this could have more added to it, or maybe some effects to give it substance. My point, again, is to find inspiration and keep practicing/studying music theory.

BTW, 4:00 gave me a headache.
Level 16 Chipist
post #83595 :: 2017.05.09 3:31pm
  MiDoRi liēkd this
I've been practicing. I've been practicing quite a bit actually. Every day, I open up Famitracker and I spend my time on there playing around with it, trying different things, making short little demos. But none of them are good. I keep on trying to make something great that people will like, something that I would be proud of. But it never happens. All of the stuff that I am actually proud of gets hated on and when I try to do what people tell me to, it still gets hated on. It seems like no matter what I do, I can never make people happy. And I'm not happy either. I'm​ almost never happy with my music. I had to make 4 or 5 different FTM files until I managed to get The Return to sound halfway decent (according to you guys at least). And I still wasn't entirely happy with it. Making music on BotB has caused me nothing but stress, frustration, and sadness. I have made so many hated songs that now I just expect people to dislike it. I can't make good music. That's​ the end of it.
Level 17 Chipist
post #84336 :: 2017.05.21 2:17pm
  Quirby64 and MiDoRi liēkd this
try making a small and extremely high quality track, rather than a long and mediocre one imo
Level 16 Chipist
post #84340 :: 2017.05.21 2:24pm
That's what I tried to do. When I did all of my entries, I tried to keep all of them around 3 minutes long. I guess this one just didn't do it for people.
Level 23 Pixelist
post #84518 :: 2017.05.22 1:59pm
  Quirby64 liēkd this
3 minutes is still quite long (or rather average) running time for a tune, maybe limiting yourself to ~1 minute would do.
Level 28 Chipist
post #85139 :: 2017.06.02 6:41am
  DaJoshy liēkd this
Level 25 Chipist
th4 D34D
post #85643 :: 2017.06.07 2:07pm
  DaJoshy liēkd this
I love the intro! The slow bass notes really shout out the 90's. Cool leads and harmonies, though as usual I would like it if u had some drums in here haha. Either way, this is great! Nice one.
Level 17 Pixelist
Galak Sea
post #85709 :: 2017.06.07 4:13pm :: edit 2017.06.07 4:26pm
  DaJoshy and Quirby64 liēkd this
defeatist attitude won't bring you any kind of success, it will rather turn down stuff that could have been very enjoyable

Please don't think you can't make music, it's the last thing to hope. I actually never thought your music was bad at all! Your "wildchip =! win" entry was one of the first entries I heard when I entered BotB. I never thought it was any bad, I actually quite liked it. it would make me very sad to see a Botbr leave the site out of frustration! We are here to help! i'm sure you can improve a lot in the future, but being patient and constant is required. You're doing it, so don't give up =)

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