Jazz Chip
  Sep 15th 2024 11:08am
Format: Wildchip

Make some chiptune jazz. We already have a lot of jazz-influenced botbrs, but I think it would be kinda cool to have a major focused on this. Also note that since the format is wildchip, you can use chiptune combined with real instruments and ensembles!

Voting categories:
- Swing
- ii-V-I
- Improvisation
- Beep Boop Bebop
- Jazzed in Pants


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Level 31 Chipist
post #197598 :: 2024.09.16 8:54pm :: edit 2024.09.16 8:54pm
  Prestune liēkd this
honestly this one is so straightforward in the best way, there are some common elements of jazz in peoples' works here, but it would still be a great theme for people to explore in depth (myself included!)

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