Level 31 Chipist
Human Voice

19th Σ5.293

83rd Σ4.986

94th Σ4.869

flower power 
99th Σ4.908

spring in pants 
73rd Σ5.050

  69th/272   Σ25.106   May 14th 2022 3:48pm
been knocking this tune around since the folk major and finally wrote the words... scrapped the original arrangement and decided to perform a live version at my piano.

tried to write something kind of Oberstian in character, both with the lyrics and the music. ain't but few people in this world what can spin a better yarn than Conor Oberst. i haven't put very many points in "singer/songwriter" over the years, so this was my first time really writing lyrics, but luckily i've heard quite a few songs in my day, so i think it turned out alright!

I don't know what happened,
I was suddenly alone
With a phantom limb
The palest shade of blue

When you said, "I love you"
On the Appalachian Trail
It changed me, yes it changed me
Knowing it was true

I know,
It's no use to me
To look back and see
The streetlights in the summer
I have to keep moving on,
so I guess...

If we're together,
You will never be at home
With your eyes wide shut,
The golden shade of you

And I know,
Nothing I do will help
I have to keep moving
Down the path I've chosen
I've got better things to do,
So I guess...

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blower5 - robot love!

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blower5 - big world
Level 32 Chipist
post #156195 :: 2022.05.15 12:06pm
  Lincent, gotoandplay and damifortune liēkd this
aaaa i wish i cld hear the voice a little better, but still <333
Level 31 Chipist
post #156199 :: 2022.05.15 12:52pm
  kleeder liēkd this
yeah the first verse is a little weak on vocal strength, i sorta wrote at the bottom of my range x_x and really wanted to record everything live together. thanks, though!

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