Ice Acolyte
  Jan 21st 2025 5:36am
i love drawing with my keyboard no joke

made with PabloDraw, uses iCE and ega colors, thanks big lumby for guiding me thru the format :-D

heres how it originally looked like before switching to ega midway through: boop


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Level 26 Grafxicist
big lumby
post #209250 :: 2025.01.21 12:08pm
  fortuna0800 liēkd this
absolutely vibing with the energy here! love how the dark blue and green act as sorta background and accents respectively while the rest of it uses a lot of warm hues, especially the pink > magenta > crimson for the hair and sleeves. absolutely wicked color theory when compared to the original version, at least in my opinion

yes i'm counting the main part of the robe as background

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