Level 19 Mixist
25th Σ3.976

27th Σ3.085

27th Σ3.856

26th Σ3.211

turd of victory 
25th Σ3.905

I slipped into unconsciousness and then ...
  27th/26   Σ18.033   Mar 26th 2015 10:40am
I don't know what happened!

All I can really tell you is I was walking along the beach when somebody yelled, "How do Ken?". I remember thinking my name isn't Ken but at that exact moment I took a ball of energy which felt like twenty lightening bolts to the face; followed by a rapidly increasing darkness and subsequent unconsciousness.

When I came around I discovered I had been transported as if by magic to 1989 where I discovered a selection of what I would normally consider vintage computers and electronic engineering equipment.

Gameboy, NES, C64, you name it I saw it..

Not one to sit idle I found a BBS phone number scribbled down so I typed in +++ATDT5557129. While I listened to the whirling sound of the acoustic coupler communicating to the other computer, my breathing paused, heart racing...

Welcome to the BBS

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I searched and searched through the boards and file areas until about 4 hours later I had found schematics to the flux capacitor!

I ripped apart all of these delightful old computers and began the arduous task of creating time circuits out of the salvaged parts, thankfully as you can see I succeeded and I am back home safe and sound in good old twenty-fifteen.

My only regret is that I only have a lowly nokia mobile phone which is monochrome and has no camera, but I was able to at least document some of this journey with the voice memo feature; Here I present to you everything I was able to record, I felt this would be of interest to someone out there.

Please find attached the recording of my journey home.

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General Blobular - Because i could

view all 26 entries

Level 19 Mixist
post #55016 :: 2015.03.18 7:19pm
  mootbooxle liēkd this
My battle was a metaphorical one fought internally, my mind was the beach and the fuzzy recollection emulates that of a movie on VHS.
Level 7 Playa
post #55019 :: 2015.03.18 8:41pm
  Flaminglog and Electronoob liēkd this
You asked me for a critique so I'll put it here for you.

When it comes to critiques, I try to be as honest as possible. I do this because I think an honest critique is more helpful than, "this is good". also keep in mind, I'm nothing more than a listener. I don't think I've even made a single song. Ever. With that being said I don't know the correct jargon that goes along with chip tune making, so I apologize in advance if I say the wrong things.

So right off the back, the lead instrument isn't that enjoyable to listen to. The effect you have on it is annoying. I imagine you were going for static, like a T.V. but to me its just not enjoyable to listen to. I do like the effect you have on the background instrument though, at about 0:12. Once it hits 0:25 I would think the song should start to feel "fuller". Also it just starts becoming strange and the lead (and well, everything else) just feels random. It goes to the beat, but the notes chosen don't seem to come from any recognizable scale. I think looking up the fundamentals of music theory may help (this part is just a guess, I haven't looked enough into this stuff enough to say for sure).

I like the part where it stops for a little bit at 0:44 and starts back up again, though it's the same problem of not feeling "full". Plus its also very repetitious sounding. I've heard some other chip tunes on here and they have very similar sections, but there are very noticeable differences and they feel like transitions from one part of the song to another. Your song doesn't give off that same feeling.

There is also this laser shot sound going off, are you able to alter it's volume? It feels distracting instead of emphasizing the main part of your song.

1:15 at this point, it feels like a giant pile of repeating sounds that are fighting each other and don't really go together.

1:39 there is another break right at the end. I feel like a break like that is meant to be like a contrast. Going into something "stronger" but for your song, it just repeats previous parts again. And the ending doesn't really feel like an ending to a song. It feels more like instruments just stopped playing (sorry, thats the best way I know how to explain it).

I hope thats helpful. Sorry, I wish I had more experience so I could give you a better critique but for now, this is all I can do. Overall, just keep working and keep asking for critiques! Study, practice, and help from others I find is the best way to get better at art stuff!
Level 19 Mixist
post #55027 :: 2015.03.18 11:28pm :: edit 2015.03.18 11:34pm
Thanks Jolt I really do appreciate your feedback :D I'm here to improve myself, soo! :) I will definitely take it onboard.

I have to say though I freaking love the sounds in this haha
Level 7 Playa
post #55192 :: 2015.03.23 7:10am
  Electronoob liēkd this
Oh good, I'm glad that didn't come off as insulting! Also I forgot they may give you instruments when I made that post (I don't know if they did for this one though). I'm glad you love the sounds in it, we all have different tastes! Have a good day Electronoob
Level 14 Chipist
post #55256 :: 2015.03.24 2:06am :: edit 2015.03.24 2:09am
  Electronoob liēkd this

superbrain at work. Take me with you next time huh ol' chap :)
Level 19 Mixist
post #55504 :: 2015.03.29 3:28pm
  goluigi and kinkinkijkin liēkd this
*votes all the 7's on this one*
Level 22 Mixist
post #55527 :: 2015.03.29 9:29pm :: edit 2015.03.29 9:29pm
  Electronoob liēkd this
I have no issue with the song itself, but I just feel like you threw the plot of Martial Beach out the window and replaced it with your own story. Just sayin' >_>
Level 19 Mixist
post #55528 :: 2015.03.29 9:46pm :: edit 2015.03.29 9:57pm
yep Ryaan2000 you are right, I only really met the circa 89 requirement I guess.

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