Level 30 Chipist
17th Σ4.983

9th Σ5.305

Spectral Surreality 
21st Σ4.923

8th Σ5.245

Consciousness in Pants 
14th Σ5.092

HIGHway Rider
  15th/28   Σ25.548   Jun 30th 2021 7:48pm
Laying down to take a nap one day and when I go to close my eyes I started to get vivid white flashes.
I decided to follow them and next thing I know there is an endless series purple glowing galaxy / city looking features.
Traveling very fast on a fractal looking lightning blue road that warps as I move forward. It feels as if the movement is faster than light but the galaxy/city I am flying over isn't moving so fast. Let me tell you it looked really cool , trying to hyper-focus on details of what it was that i was passing are fruitless. So I began to try and shift directions
but my attempt to take control resulted in the journey fading into just me laying on my bed with my eyes shut. I don't know what any of this means but it was quite a trip.
That is what the song is based on. I was going for a techno meets psychedelic rock sort of vibe here, I hope you enjoy it.

Ableton Operator
Korg Polysix
C64 Drum Samples

lots of filter flanger and delay

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gotoandplay - there's a mirror in the mirror

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DCT Master - psych'd up
Level 17 Chipist
DCT Master
post #143745 :: 2021.07.07 3:41am
  roz, skydev, themnotyou and TristEndo liēkd this
When I put this on the blinds closed in my room, a discoball emerged from the ceiling and dancers appeared on pedestals.
Level 3 Playa
post #145887 :: 2021.08.26 7:15pm
  TristEndo liēkd this
Very nice song, def got some space or night city vibes in it.

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