Frogland Bulletin
  Dec 8th 2024 11:49pm
Some frogs freeze all winter and thaw out in the spring unharmed.
It seems scary to us humans but they just see it as a part of life


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Level 25 Grafxicist
post #203584 :: 2024.12.09 4:26am :: edit 2024.12.09 4:35am
I took screenshots and animated the render myself in aseprite. I chose 500ms as the length of the frames as the flicker looked relatively accurate to me. If this is not optimal feel free to either vote on the download or replace my render with a more accurate one

EDIT: I changed the render to have the same flicker rate as the export from (6 frames of 160 ms). This made it out of sync with the Qteletext editor preview however, so I don't know which one is more accurate

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