very creative, Nychthemeron!
(I'm not sure whether this entry is actually gonna be valid or not... but we'll see, heh heh)
This work comes with a score, which you can view here: http://www.dropbox.com/s/76i47lvqp8qgekx/frequencypolygons_score.png (it basically scrolls from left to right)
This work is basically a pixel art (hence the "chip" element I'm considering here) converted into a sound file via AudioPaint. The kind of colours represent the stereo position (blue= left, green=right... I think), and the brightness should represent intensity/amplitude.
When making this, I tried to draw the elements in the artwork while taking into consideration what I thought the end result would sound like.
I hope to do more of these; hopefully they'll be better executed than this one.