really pretty when the melody comes in around a minute in! sweet ornamentation and so many little blips. this song is a soft hug. warm sounds. bouba.
The taxman brings a prediction!
"Yikes, the Omnibus Bank of BotB is in the red! Everyone will be paying 20% next May!"
Respect the process. There is no such thing as a pure pathway to the thing inside us which we choose to express. All roads bend, twist, distort, and change. You can, and should, change your mind freely—anytime you want—according to what is in front of you. We must yearn to follow and listen for the quiet thing inside ourselves, from the quietest places in our minds; a distance mewl that calls out like a lost cat in the woods, stuck in a tree. A cat is capable of removing itself from that tree, but it may want your encouragement, nonetheless, to free itself from its alarming perch. Everything will be alright.
Instrumentation/download: https://www.ptweb.me/play/kGq5