Elyk Chiparoo
Level 7 Chipist

263rd Σ2.131

259th Σ2.406

260th Σ2.343

flower power 
258th Σ2.427

spring in pants 
257th Σ2.425

Elyk Eparoo's new (ChipaRoo) 8)_...~
  260th/265   Σ11.732   Apr 18th 2020 1:43am
ChipaRoo projwct- upkoadNloop.ml3 thanx

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Atlas_Moth - Showdown

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Elyk - Why WOu-- 2020Chip featuring Yekans
Level 7 Chipist
Elyk Chiparoo
post #119157 :: 2020.04.18 1:44am
  EnigmoreSFC hæitd this
  tennisers liēkd this
Droid nano leuxpe
Level 11 Mixist
post #119169 :: 2020.04.18 1:29pm
  sethdonut, Elyk and tennisers liēkd this
I like the melodie and the chords.
Level 7 Chipist
Elyk Chiparoo
post #119515 :: 2020.04.20 11:36pm
  Elyk and EnigmoreSFC hæitd this
thanks. this version you have to re-load the song and skip past 1:22 to hear the rest of the song
Level 7 Chipist
post #119643 :: 2020.04.23 6:57pm
  argarak, TrippleP and kleeder liēkd this
sorry everyone's code skipped in the middle of the MP3 player for us we hope it didn't for you guys but you could still download the MP3 maybe let's listen to it on a different like you know Windows Media Player or whatever sorry about that but we're going to fix that in a minute and hopefully save the song as it is and try to fix the glitch right in the middle of it that happened while we were recording this song in sorry about that we use the water code to make our synthesizer sounds and sell when we mix the original code in with anything so we try to add it at do the code lava code is lost when you added too much with the you got to do the minimal editing with the program that doesn't change hey what's up Dad I'm just trying to figure out how to fix the code on I made a song on the inter's an online Battle of the bits battle dancing for a electronic music to call Battle of the bedsay defisave the fileled so thanks everybody
Level 32 Chipist
post #119650 :: 2020.04.24 3:23am
  TrippleP and Elyk Chiparoo liēkd this
"hey what's up Dad"
Level 7 Chipist
Elyk Chiparoo
post #120503 :: 2020.05.12 11:40am :: edit 2020.05.12 3:38pm
  EnigmoreSFC and Elyk hæitd this
Hahah, whoops. Hay! I'm gonna fix the glitch in this crazy mp3 right now, sorry about that everyone!

We didn't mean to crash the playlist party! Hear all button, forgive us!

Hay Kleeder, could you help me upload a repaired Render of this song so the Hear All playlist plays through for parties?

I'll have the file ready by 11PM Central American time -6.00 global time
Level 22 Playa
post #120784 :: 2020.05.14 11:50pm
i can replace the mp3 render for you if you still need. just post a link to the file you want to use :)
Level 7 Chipist
post #120788 :: 2020.05.15 12:43am :: edit 2020.05.15 12:45am
We should have been, more careful with that one. Hay, well, we'll get that repaired. All someone has to do is open it, and re-save it with Audacity Free for PC

Just hit it with a change in the bitrate down one notch, from 320 to 256k or whatever, and it will be repaired. I'd do it but i can't download the file, ~or~ upload it to fix it, i've missed the deadline. Thanks
Level 22 Playa
post #120791 :: 2020.05.15 1:08am
just to clarify, what is the problem with the current file? i streamed it from a chrome-esque browser and it played fine all the way through...

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