wow, that's filters and virbato and stuff!
nice music, very lopsided feeling
nice music, very lopsided feeling
The taxman brings a prediction!
"Yikes, the Omnibus Bank of BotB is in the red! Everyone will be paying 20% next May!"
i had fun trying out this chip for the first time, but was definitely plagued by how much i messed with the filter in deflemask, which scuffed up the .sid export, and the more i tried to bandage the issues by messing with the instruments' settings + my effect commands, the worse it got, so this is an earlier export that's less scuffed and mostly functional :D
the filter is wacky and awesome, though i didn't mean for its impact to be quite this strong. cool chip
advent diary day 22:
the return... of deflemask... wargh. things actually were sounding pretty solid in the tracker, but boy the export was screwy. some of my attempted exports are nearly silent lol.
will the last two days be html and smw? or does kleeder have something else up her sleeve!?