You tried to convert this for the SNES? Reminds me of my earlier efforts... and actually, the .it file really tells me that this is in the same boat as my earlier songs!
Main problem is pattern overload... you have a whopping 157 patterns! SNESMod only supports 64 maximum. Right off the bat, I'd up the speed value just to reduce your pattern count (Qxx is your friend for rapid-fire notes with the same pitch). Leaving the pattern count alone is going to result in some serious data consumption, and I do see possibilities in reducing your row count (on the condition that you also combine patterns).
If the pattern data isn't enough to send this song way overboard, the sample size certainly does... a whopping 146,828 total in length! Stereo samples must be made mono, and you can't use sustain loops (ping pong also adds to the memory because it has to be manually unrolled for BRR data).
Yeah... this one is definitely a conversion nightmare, exactly like my old psuedo-SNES songs.
If I were to make a sound driver that would stream and/or load chunks of note data at a time (and maybe load samples in a somewhat bankswitched fashion), then this would perhaps be possible in its fullest form (but it would still be a wildchip entry, as you'd need a SNES ROM to pull it off). However, the warning is that I can't guarantee that the blocks will always make it on time, meaning there better be some backwards jumping in case the loading is taking longer than usual... otherwise, the sound driver may as well crash.
Glad to see I'm not the only one...