Level 22 Chipist
8k tracker module

heart magic 
13th Σ5.820

brain tech 
34th Σ5.620

14th Σ5.800

49th Σ5.280

winter pants 
16th Σ5.480

  17th/299   Σ28.000   Feb 11th 2018 12:26pm
Day has come...

Bottle Of The Bobs™

previous entry
DBOYD - Undone

nextious entry
footprints420 - The Wrath of the Winter Wizard
Level 23 Pedagogist
post #95748 :: 2018.02.11 1:26pm
  VirtualMan liēkd this
all 7s to my favorite 8k ever

i've been following your progress, and know how much effort you put in this; it is really admirable and inspirational

so much respect, man! you frigging nailed it! looking forward to hear more of you in the next major!~ x3
Level 26 Chipist
post #95784 :: 2018.02.11 7:22pm
  Producer-san and ViLXDRYAD liēkd this
Man, this came out so nice! I was looking forward to hearing your 8k after seeing you talk so much about it. All the work you put into this track definitely paid off.
Level 25 Chipist
th4 D34D
post #95790 :: 2018.02.11 10:58pm
  ViLXDRYAD and Robyn liēkd this
Fuckin smashed it out of the park. Lovely changes at the end bit, whole thing is crazy. Makin me wanna do a new format.........
Level 26 Chipist
post #95836 :: 2018.02.12 2:45am
  ViLXDRYAD liēkd this
I'm so glad you've finished it, turned out great!
Level 23 Pixelist
post #95871 :: 2018.02.12 12:25pm :: edit 2018.02.12 12:37pm
  Producer-san liēkd this
Well, this is solid and charming in its entirety, great job mjen. Interesting variation, starting around 2:53, the only thing i can complain about is that snare, i've been babbling about earlier, but i know it's hardly possible to make it any better, given these size constraints. That's just massive nitpicking rn tho :3
I know how much you've been struggling with this one

All 7s
Level 19 Chipist
post #95937 :: 2018.02.13 4:49pm
  Producer-san liēkd this
You just keep getting better and better <3
Level 25 Chipist
post #96340 :: 2018.02.19 5:12am :: edit 2018.02.19 5:34am
  Robyn hæitd this
The composition could use some improvement - some of the melodies clash a bit and the ending seems a bit nonsensical structure-wise. That's me being nitpicky though.

The overall sound is good - I like how much space everything has, I like the response melodies, the percussion is nice (especially the downwards squeal sound) and there are some good moments (such as 2:54).
Level 22 Chipist
post #96365 :: 2018.02.19 9:20am
Yeah sorry about that, ran out of space and I wanted it to end instead of cheapo fadeout looping (I generally hate to do it).

I learned the hard way that one should not use the space devouring channel echo in 8k; it doesn't leave much space for variation if used in the crazy amount I did. Even munch.py had to help me out for this rare occasion (I generally hate to use this as well haha).
Level 11 Playa
post #96721 :: 2018.02.24 2:14am
I have listened to this song so much. Thank you.

First, I listened to the render. Then, I listened to the IT using libxmp and noticed cymbals crashes were much louder. The crashes were also louder with it214v5.

There are also two, consecutive, one-row patterns starting at 0x23 in the order. Here, the sliding notes (all the same pitch) in channels 0x10, 0x11, and 0x17 are really, really loud. It's extreme constructive interference... but not in the render. I'm unable to confirm this one with it214v5, as this section of the song makes DOSBox chug hard.

Can you provide any information on the render and tracker used to make this excellent song? Best of luck with votes. You deserve top format, at least.
Level 22 Chipist
post #96723 :: 2018.02.24 3:44am :: edit 2018.02.28 3:18am
  MiDoRi liēkd this
This song was composed in OpenMPT and used the Munch.py script (the latest version I could find) to shave off an extra kilobyte through its compression scheme, despite my attempt for extreme optimization of the pattern data.
The munched module was then loaded into the same version of OpenMPT I described and rendered an .mp3 render directly with OpenMPT itself.
(Wanted to tick on normalize render, but I guess I forgot that, so this is as pure as OpenMPT renders it)

I normally don't use Munch.py, but I really wanted to get this song done (as it was originally meant for Spring Tracks 0_o), so I used it nontheless.
Level 25 Chipist
post #96787 :: 2018.02.26 12:29pm
Fantastic dude, this song is incredible :).
Level 24 Chipist
post #97174 :: 2018.03.03 11:50am
@VirtualMan this is probably due to IT's instrument memory behavior on pattern break that's not covered by OpenMPT yet which I discovered it too when I was making my mod8k entry.
Level 15 Chipist
post #97306 :: 2018.03.08 7:09am
really enjoying the part that starts around the 3 minute mark
Level 17 Chipist
DCT Master
post #104412 :: 2018.10.13 5:50am
  kleeder liēkd this
The more entries I listen the more I realize how much I suck
Level 32 Chipist
post #131449 :: 2020.11.27 1:44pm
bump :D

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