Some really nice ideas in this, including but not limited to the tempos, stops and starts, and melodies; good work.
batman doom Doxic fun haunted house mansion pizzicato spooky swing jazz terror theathe theatre organ zombies
"I've got a crush on death, and a date with hell."
So this is my attempt at writing a metal song, I must confess, I hardly listen to metal, except for when Fezuke posts a new song, and when I am playing DOOM.
After a lot of thought on what I was going to do, I settled with trying to make something DOOM-like, so here is my attempt! :3
Tracked in MilkyTracker, with samples from several OHC's I have partcipated in.
Source file is here --> http://puu.sh/2qwxp
...and as always, enjoy!! :)