Level 9 Playa
chip battle art

26th Σ4.801

34th Σ5.071

13th Σ5.339

31st Σ4.979

art in pants 
9th Σ5.594

Cookin' Chips
  22nd/61   Σ25.785   Nov 17th 2022 2:16pm
Hello, this is my first entry, if i did something wrong, i hope no one gets mad at me.

***Welcome to Cookin' Chips, we cookin' chips!***

Software: Furnace Chiptune Tracker (Stable Version. Unstable versions are not allowed)
Format: .FUR (I guess the file size must be max of 10 MB, i have seen max 10 MB files with this file format, but i don't think i have the right to decide that. Only the BOTB can decide this.)
Genre: Whatever you like

In this rules, you must use at least 2 different or same chips on your project.
Examples; PC Speaker + PC Speaker (lol), NES + VRC6, NES + NES + NES + N163 + N163, Yamaha YM2612 + Amiga + Amiga and so on..

Hz overclocking allowed (actually, i don't know whether to allow to overclocking or not)

Every samples are allowed for use to your project.

- Genesis (MegaDrive) has 2 chips, is that count?
+ Yes!

- Now, hold on a sec, Furnace Tracker isn't available and .FUR format doesn't exist on BOTB!
+ Yes, i know, but is this the Future Battles, then maybe it will be available in the future on BOTB. Maybe that file extension will be changed or software name will be changed to the future, who knows.

- Furnace Chiptune Tracker isn't complete.
+ It has stable versions and maybe it will be completed in the future. Again, this is the Future Battles, so maybe or maybe not.

- You are stupid.
+ No, but thanks to for criticism & opinions, lol.

Alternative Rules: (If the Furnace Tracker will be never available on BOTB, then follow the alternative rules. But, I'm mostly want it to have to first idea which is above.)

Software: OpenMPT or Impulse Tracker with Furnace Chiptune Tracker for only samples
Format: .MPTM (OpenMPT) or .IT
Genre: Whatever you like

In this rules, you must combine at least 2 different platform samples like SNES + Genesis on your project. Which means your projects must be make us feel that indeed using at least two platforms. Just like a fantasy platform. The Furnace Tracker can be used to create samples.

Be Creative! Have fun!


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LittleTheremin - Minimalism

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damifortune - tiny habitats
Level 23 Chipist
post #163151 :: 2022.11.17 5:25pm :: edit 2022.11.18 8:25am
  gotoandplay and big lumby liēkd this
I really like this idea, ESPECIALLY the first idea! Would totally attend!

Maybe a solution for the format would be just making it a Wildchip battle and submitting the file as a .fur file, but I can totally kill for a new Furnace format on BotB.
Level 13 Mixist
post #163162 :: 2022.11.18 3:35am
How do you even overclock the Hz in furnace anyway?
Level 25 Grafxicist
big lumby
post #163165 :: 2022.11.18 7:26am
  Bravoman liēkd this
cutest battle art and prompt so far
Level 31 Chipist
post #163166 :: 2022.11.18 7:34am
  Bravoman liēkd this
@Enderjed "base tempo" in the Song Information tab, there is an indicator next to it that tells you what the new Hz value is. (incidentally the flavor of overclocking would go well with 'cooking' theme haha)

in my opinion this major would be an awesome way to finally introduce a furnace format!

another option for alternative rules would be the .vgm format perhaps. but i like the idea of .fur
Level 9 Playa
post #197346 :: 2024.09.14 8:37am :: edit 2024.09.14 8:37am
oh i forgor the voting categories,
and i guess i'm too late for this
oh well

i think voting categories is just like that;
cooked, overcooked, undercooked, raw, pizzaaaaaaaa in pants

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