Yung Gotenks
Level 27 Chipist
TIC-80 Tiny Computer

94th Σ5.083

48th Σ5.658

39th Σ5.598

chimney smoke 
109th Σ5.174

snowballs in pants 
120th Σ5.022

Candy Cane Fever
  64th/389   Σ26.536   Dec 10th 2022 11:59pm
Short little game about collecting candy canes.

Play online:

In the game, you have to run around and collect candy canes in a one-screen level. Each candy cane will increase your score by 100 + the remaining amount of time. In order to leave the level, get your score up to 7000 and exit via the door in the house.

I'm not much of a programmer, but I am happy with the little game i've manged to make. I hope you like it!

BUG: If you finish all 3 levels and try to play again, you start at level 4 which doesn't exist, so it's just a mostly black screen. in order to avoid this, reset the cart to play again.


previous entry
3-UP - Sega's Dream Land

nextious entry
damifortune - Snowy Commute to BotB City
Level 32 Chipist
post #164142 :: 2022.12.11 11:09am
  damifortune and Yung Gotenks liēkd this
i didnt realize those spikes were hurtful first and i died 2 times there before i got it lol
cute game tho!!!
Level 22 Chipist
post #164153 :: 2022.12.11 2:24pm
  damifortune and Yung Gotenks liēkd this
Pretty fun game! I liked trying to optimize my movements for each level

I do wish the candy canes were in more random spots, and the collision could be a bit less janky, but this is still pretty neat for 1 day

My highscore is 21352, if anyone cares about that lol
Level 26 Grafxicist
big lumby
post #164249 :: 2022.12.12 7:28pm
  Yung Gotenks liēkd this
this reminds me a lot of bubble bobble, the sorta design philosophy in mind here. fun game
Level 31 Chipist
post #164310 :: 2022.12.13 1:56pm
the only points of feedback i have were mentioned by kleeder and 3-up but this is a cute design and seems to be quite functional! i like it :)
Level 28 Chipist
post #164498 :: 2022.12.16 12:14pm
  Yung Gotenks liēkd this
i got to level 2 then rq at about 4500 haha

its got a lot of good elements to it, if i werent voting on other games i might have persisted to get to that lv3!
Level 28 Chipist
post #164863 :: 2022.12.23 9:11am
  Yung Gotenks liēkd this
Nice work!
Level 24 Mixist
post #166377 :: 2023.01.28 8:27am
  Yung Gotenks liēkd this
Two thoughts:
- Randomizing the locations of the canes even a small amount would make the game dramatically more interesting.
- I'm not sure how I feel about the value of the canes decreasing over time -- it's generally good practice to have difficulty increase over time, but this isn't increasing difficulty so much as just "amount of work needed", and it's a little discouraging to look at my score, think "I'm halfway there!", and then realize I'm actually not. Though I suppose having the value of the canes increase over time would create weird perverse incentives.

Really polished visuals and sound, though, nice job!

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