Level 31 Chipist
post #173526 ::
2023.07.14 6:13am :: edit 2023.07.15 7:16pm
cabbage drop, Firespike33 and nu11 liēkd this
cabbage drop, Firespike33 and nu11 liēkd this
edit: entry was moved from nsfplus to wildchip for that sweet, sweet in-tracker mixing 8)
also, now that i'm listening to the full thing - this is just incredible, what an amazing energy and full sound out of the system. i love the buildup section around 2min and onwards, it really makes me want to play some action games
also, now that i'm listening to the full thing - this is just incredible, what an amazing energy and full sound out of the system. i love the buildup section around 2min and onwards, it really makes me want to play some action games