Lvl 8  
Why Wou
Lvl 9  
NES/Famicom 2A03 w/ Expansions

cool breeze 
217th Σ3.512

face melt 
217th Σ3.525

hawt night 
223rd Σ3.268

sweaty morning 
222nd Σ3.349

sun in pants 
223rd Σ3.209

Biziness Major: Chip Tune Edition
  221st/235   Σ16.862   Jun 16th 2020 11:30am
Here is Biznisss major: Chip TUne Edition, by Yekans F.

I tried to come up with a better title for the song but thats' just "How the Wagon Wheel Rolls" some time.

Thanks Everyone from Yekans

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Why Wou - Amazing Membrane 8

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Snabisch - Super Summer Chip
Level 7 Chipist
Why Wou ChipShot
post #122751 :: 2020.06.16 3:45pm :: edit 2020.06.16 3:48pm
Couldn't render
.mp3 directly with zxtune so I don't even know how to turn an .nsf into an
Mp3 unless I write it into a .WAV file first. IDK is each first render okee? That's how you render your .mp3 or does botb do that automatically? Thx
Level 7 Chipist
Why Wou ChipShot
post #122769 :: 2020.06.17 7:11am :: edit 2020.06.23 6:36am
Alrite cool zxtune does that I know for sure, thanx, I'll have this mp3 render done as soon as I get home. Thank for your help

Update: Zxtune Save As feature saves files directly to mp3. Thankx

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