[Hype comment #2]
all n00bz amiga AMIGAAAAAAAAAAAA AmiGameboy AmiGaymboy atari champion demo demoscene demostyle devsound dmg game boy GAME BOYYYYYYYYY gameboy gb intro invite loopy not amiga NOT GAME BOY scroller TAG WAAAAAARS i do what i want ur not my dad yes I am
recommended emulator: bgb
NOTE: Part of this demo is currently broken on hardware. We are currently working on a fix.
Here's something a bit different for you: an actual ROM submitted to a major battle!
This is a simple one-screen intro which serves as an invite to Battle of the Bits. The coding was done by me and Pigu/pigdevil2010. Everything else (music, gfx, scroller text, etc.) was done by me.
For all you renderists out there: Please do not upload an MP3 render for this entry, as there's more to it than just music. A YouTube encode would be greatly appreciated, but make sure that if you do so, you record from real hardware (preferrably an original Game Boy or SGB) or a good emulator (such as bgb).
LINK TIME!!!!! youtube | rom | source | gbs | pouet
all n00bz!!! :D/
you'll cowards dont even code demo