Connor Baxter
Level 13 Chipist

cool breeze 
48th Σ5.477

sweaty glasses 
19th Σ5.726

longer days 
20th Σ5.762

brighter mornings 
34th Σ5.560

sun in pants 
19th Σ5.868

  24th/288   Σ28.392   Aug 10th 2024 10:57am
This has been a really fun one to work on to get the right balance of traditional Gameboy Chiptune and blending guitar in to get it sounding nice together. I really hope it comes across that way and you enjoy listening to it!

This song started out as an exrcise for working on arpeggios in LSDJ and trying weird stuff with PU1 and 2 along side eachother, and also trying the Speech synth on Instrument 40. It then ended up as a whole song but I felt like it could use something on top, so I got the guitar out and made some room for it!

1XLSDJ for the core of the song,
Several Guitar Layers on top with FX
Mixed in my DAW

Lyrics for Speech Synth: (what was intended anyway!)

Show me what you got.
Is this what you got?

Show me what you got.
Is this what you got?

Show me what you got.
Is this what you got?
Is this what you got?

Show me.
Is this what you got?
Is this what you got?

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icrawfish - Agustrian Oakblaze

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watch out - LEAVES
Level 13 Mixist
post #195135 :: 2024.08.11 2:47pm :: edit 2024.08.11 2:47pm
  Connor Baxter liēkd this
very interesting, and I like the guitar solo!
Level 13 Chipist
Connor Baxter
post #195172 :: 2024.08.12 1:36am
Thank you so much! Yeah bit of an odd tune in the end, but I really enjoyed making this one haha
Level 31 Chipist
post #195194 :: 2024.08.12 6:54am
  kilowatt64 and Connor Baxter liēkd this
that guitar is HOTTTT
Level 13 Chipist
Connor Baxter
post #195214 :: 2024.08.12 10:46am
Thank yooouuuuuu! Many hours trying to get those licks right haha
Level 10 Chipist
post #195510 :: 2024.08.17 1:53pm :: edit 2024.08.17 1:53pm
  Connor Baxter liēkd this
Amazing work, and love the guitar, it's very entertaining to hear
Level 16 Chipist
post #196105 :: 2024.08.29 7:03am
  Connor Baxter liēkd this
loving the instrument mix and the arp work!

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