i love this.
In the hood there is a beep,
and it's not coming out of a jeep!
It's from a real ZX Spectrum
the very sound of it just makes you come!
This is what brightentayle whispered to me
one day, when we both were resting at a tree
She was dressed up like Cirno from Touhou
But then she said, I'm not Cirno, oh no!!!
I was terribly confused,
I even felt a little used.
I asked if she was Remilia Scarlet
But that offended her, she thinks Remilia is a harlot!
Finally she proceeded to explain to me
what actually was her identity.
I was enlightened, this was when I got into poetry
and started spamming it everywhere on BotB.
I turned out I was deceived by the polish.
brightentayle is Ukrainian, not Polish.
Cirno doesn't use nail polish,
and Tayle recited a nice poem about Oddish.
Then she offered me Baycungizer in a tin can
I drank it...and I felt born again
I suddenly became fluffy and grew bows of flesh
I turned into Baycun, and I shouted: Yesh!
My dreams came true,
From the heavens angels sang
and in my ears their sweet voices rang,
Slimeball a.k.a Haruhi etc etc... a Sylveon is you!
The real Baycun was not so fortunate.
He turned into a kitty cate!
golgi hates cats, and broke up with him
installed Linux, vowed to use emacs and NOT vim
Golgi grew a beard, ate many burgers and jelly
consequently he grew a sizable beer belly
You might think this is a humilation,
it is not, he created the Free Software Foundation!
Golgi now travels across the globe,
with his bubbles love doll, and his companion Strobe.
He preaches about the joys of free software,
and conserving the nearly extinct panda bear.
~~Join us now and share the software, you'll be free~~.
Delek, I hope one day you will hear golgi's decree.
and release the source for Deflemask.
or at least before you hit the flask.
Hint: I may or may not have used clipart to make this masterpiece!
A big thank you to golgi for helping me with the visual effects...actually he came all over it, but I'll forgive him! ;)