Sure you can, just if you pay attention to which format you're submitting to;
If you use the special converter from Aly James to convert to VGM you can submit the .vgm to SGen format.
Otherwise you can submit a .mp3 to AllGear format. ;)
Demn meng that sucks. Your presence is missed sinc and your alts, strobestrobestrobe, pedipanol, m9m, kungfufurby, charlotte, ord, sc, jangler, zillah, sam, Robyn, VIL... and everyone else who didn't have enough thyme.
I should've done this earlier but I keep forgetting about it. Here's BotB pc-x801 Hoot pack for those who don't feel like fiddling with hoot's xml to add them. Contains every pc-x801 entries ever submitted to BotB, including OHBs.
100% in the nick of time!
My top pick for this was Mountain Shredder Shrimps! Great tunes all round everyone :) once I work out how the hell FM works I'll enter the next one!
FM is synthesis by modulating a wave instead of running it through resonant filters. To me, it's the annoying relative who is hard to work with but sometimes (or often) has what you need. Since it was the type I learned first, I spent a lot of time complaining to myself about its shortcomings.
hey kiddos i know things have gotten busy around here, but dont forget your free gift!*** courtesy of botb for this festive time of year! head on over to brandcamp for teh latest release FM 2!
*while supplies last
*offer subject to change at any time
*terms and conditions may apply