post #11646 ::
2009.11.30 6:20pm :: edit 2009.11.30 6:30pm
I got two! Question for PuKe et. all. What time does the compo start/finish? The remixing starts counter seems to indicate another time other than EST midnight... It is chALLenging my limited math skills. Thanks
The problem here is that mail was sent, but obviously something failed. Very sorry for this, and probably this is the reason why we have very few track submissions
at this compo. :(
post #11717 ::
2009.12.05 10:33am :: edit 2009.12.05 10:34am
dam mail service! :(((((.... next time i will spam around in case somebody miss the timmer or get confuse with something. Or well RSS can help with that too! :D