Have we been doing this for six years!?!?! I guess so... Sure to bring out the old_skulers and bring some new faces, Ann Arbor VI is finally here!!
<a href="http://battleofthebits.com/arena.php?act=info&comp=251">INFOS + RULES</a>
As always, Battle of the Bits, is doing it's best to inform visitors of it's purpose. If you don't have a BotB user account please get one asap!! Upload and vote on samples to help decide the final 25 sounds used in the 48 hour allgear remix competition. It's all about us and you can be us for FREE!! lol
All tracks will be played back (as well as many BotB long-time favorites) at the Rewards Party on the Night After XMAS. So if you leave nearby (sorry all you international BotBrs) come on down!!
Wed Dec 26th
<a href="http://blindpigmusic.com" target=_blank>Blind Pig</a>
Ann Arbor, MI
<a href="http://battleofthebits.com/arena.php?act=info&comp=251">INFOS + RULES</a>
As always, Battle of the Bits, is doing it's best to inform visitors of it's purpose. If you don't have a BotB user account please get one asap!! Upload and vote on samples to help decide the final 25 sounds used in the 48 hour allgear remix competition. It's all about us and you can be us for FREE!! lol
All tracks will be played back (as well as many BotB long-time favorites) at the Rewards Party on the Night After XMAS. So if you leave nearby (sorry all you international BotBrs) come on down!!
Wed Dec 26th
<a href="http://blindpigmusic.com" target=_blank>Blind Pig</a>
Ann Arbor, MI