Dies Irae

2012-01-23 15:14:05

2012-02-18 15:24:05

11 Entries

Info & Rules
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11 Entries
Battle Host
Lvl 29  
Construct your own interpretation and arrangement of this classic gregorian chant about the end of mortal Earth.


It's a simple 3 bar melody. The notation and a recording are available at the above link. Take it anywhere!!
Voting Categories
  • Wrathful Benediction • Lusty Penance • Contrition Extrapolation • Retribution Pestilence • Black Death in Pants
  • All registered users of BotB may vote.
  • All tunes will be rendered to MP3 for voting accessibility.
  • No covers allowed, only original works.
  • Entries that have been previously publicly released are not allowed.
  • While generative processes are permitted if designed by the entrant, they should never be used as a substitute for putting real human effort into your entries on BotB.
Questions and Contact
  • For direct communication join us on IRC!! irc.esper.net #botb       :D/

Being a general use Mixist format, anything that can record, compose, arrange, and mix music and/or sound from scratch, free and paid, will do for this format. Anything that isn't audio is off limits. Additional bit pack rules may apply.  :: read lyceum article

Maximum File Size :: 12.5mb

12 entries submitted :: view entries :: listen entries