The Adventures of Square - Free Oldschool Indie FPS!
BotB Academy Bulletins
Level 26 Mixist
post #47497 :: 2014.08.31 11:32pm
  JINTAKE, Ktcmoop and goluigi liēkd this
Hey all,

I've been suspiciously absent from BotB as of late, since me n' a few other folks from Doom-land have been working on a new FPS using the Doom engine. After tons o' months of crunchy worktime, we've got a first release up! And it's free! Whoop!

This particular labor of love is entitled "The Adventures of Square", and it's a goofy cartoony FPS about an anthropomorphic shape that fightst other shapes with paint guns and defibrillators. Very tongue-in-cheek, yet super-fast-paced n' oldschool in a proper Doom-like fashion. Some screenshots for the extra-curious:

Interested? Check it out at (proper site pending) and give the first episode a (free!) download. We're still in kind of an "early public beta" stage, and there are two more full episodes of retro-awesome coming up in the future, but it's a full-on freebie that boasts several hours of gameplay of a higher quality than your average cash-in, so give it a shot, I say!

Bit of a shameless self-plug, I suppose, but it's got contributions from one-and-a-half BotBrs (myself n' Jimmy) and has a cooloid MIDI soundtrack for those interested solely in the music side of life, so I figured it's worth a mention since folks here tend to be interested in that sort o' thing. If it sounds at all intriguing, check it out n' spread the word!

Thanks, n' peace, all!
Level 29 Mixist
post #47499 :: 2014.09.01 1:49am
  Savestate liēkd this
i like how the mac osx version is almost 2x the size of the windows version ; ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Level 29 Mixist
post #47500 :: 2014.09.01 1:51am
also shouldn't the main player be jack black?

i mean the protagonist is trying to find an octagon!
Level 21 Criticist
post #47501 :: 2014.09.01 3:02am
The 3rd screenshot looks very much like a level from megagame.wad!
Level 14 Chipist
post #47508 :: 2014.09.02 3:37am
played the first two levels! damn u guys are on top of level design, level 2 was especially fun to run around.... also the horde battles at the end of each level were satisfying endings. i'll keep playing these....
Level 12 Mappist
post #47532 :: 2014.09.03 7:33am
Thanks, guys! I'm the guy who worked on the project solo before I got this kickass team featuring Xaser and the rest of the fantastic mappers and musicians who contributed their invaluable time and patience for the last year and a bit. It's been so much fun and I'm so thankful for the help, the ideas and the insanely hard work that everyone put into the project to make it what it is - something far greater than just I could've achieved. I may be biased but I still must say that Square is an *awesome* game and you should definitely check it out. Thanks a lot for the positive feedback so far! :D
Level 11 Playa
post #47533 :: 2014.09.03 7:41am
  Xyz liēkd this

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