the glib czar junks my vw fox pdq

2013-02-09 13:38:06

2013-02-09 14:52:44

11 Entries

Main Screen
Level 28 Chipist
post #23441 :: 2013.02.09 4:46pm :: edit 2013.02.09 4:46pm
a bc defghi jklm nop qrstu vw xyz
Level 14 Pixelist
Tuxxy Brown
post #23443 :: 2013.02.09 4:53pm
  HertzDevil and goluigi hæitd this
i should've WON!!!!!!!!!!!
Level 29 Hostist
post #23574 :: 2013.02.11 11:46am
  raphaelgoulart hæitd this
  Tuxxy Brown, Doxic and jrlepage liēkd this
I don't think most of you know what pixel art is.

This is pixel art.

It usually has a limit of colors and is hand drawn pixel by pixel with a pencil tool. It's not 600+ pixels across with a bunch of scribbles. Pixel art that large takes days to accomplish. HertzDevil's entry is blatant disrespect for BotB's no covers and no outside samples rules/policies. Grabbing someone else's photographs, mangling and dithering them, is not pixel art. It's troll behavior. BotB doesn't like trolls. And the fact that HertzDevil hosted this battle and submitted a troll entry makes it all that much worse.
Level 28 Renderist
post #23579 :: 2013.02.11 3:47pm
  raphaelgoulart, goluigi and Doxic liēkd this
Perhaps there should be a separate format for non-pixel-but-still-art? If we can allgear/remix we should be able to hold drawing OHBs too!

I've seen many great non-pixelart drawings come out of BotB OHCs, and I wouldn't want that to come to an end. ;(

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