Level 21 Chipist
post #203792 ::
2024.12.11 5:34pm :: edit 2024.12.11 6:31pm
Xaser, arceus413, mirageofher, Lasertooth and kilowatt64 liēkd this
Xaser, arceus413, mirageofher, Lasertooth and kilowatt64 liēkd this
Hi everyone.
With AC24 doing boom today, I'm faced with a reminder of the fact that, despite Doom modding being relatively approachable, there are still some things that make it hard for people with absolutely zero experience/setup to jump in.
Ideally we could come up with solutions to these issues and put them in the lyceum - I feel like since most people here are not mappists that it makes sense to make the lyceum page for Doom & Boom beefier. A while ago I tried my best to make the lyceum pages more helpful but I know they're not perfect. (I may have infodumped a little bit.) An "I'm new to Doom/Boom" page, or links to succinct, noob-proof external resources, could be a solution as well. (Xaser suggested wrapping up some core programs in a "starter kit" which could be good too.)
I want it to be possible for someone to go from zero to submitting a working map within an OHB's timeframe. I think this more or less implies a more thorough overview of things because there are a lot of rookie mistakes that can make the map unplayable, and there's not always someone knowledgeable in the chat!
I've come up with a list of things that I saw today, but I'd like to hear from all of you as well.
* Configuring UDB and SLADE to recognize your IWADs and source ports (UDB "game configurations"/ SLADE "base resource archive"). Dragging stuff into the .exe is not great so people shouldn't have to do that
* Related: picking the right format in UDB
* Getting stuck in UDB visual mode (I just remembered the default in visual mode is ESDF for movement, cringe)
* Accidentally overwriting DoomII's PNAMES/TEXTURE1 thereby causing a signal 11 error on map load
* You can make changes in SLADE and they will live-update in UDB if you hit "reload resources"
* Converting textures to the right format (covered partially in lyceum, could be clearer)
* don't test in zdoom
* What the line actions mean (W1/WR/G1/etc.). Actually just explaining sectors/sector effects and linedefs/line actions, as well as tagging, would be good too.
* people wishing they could do UDMF scripting, like having monster death open doors. This is not a thing outside of very specific cases. In some instances you can fake it with line triggers
* Custom music... I think the format should explicitly ban using someone else's midi if it doesn't already
* Node builders. You shouldn't have to think about these.
* Lumps. How do they work?
With AC24 doing boom today, I'm faced with a reminder of the fact that, despite Doom modding being relatively approachable, there are still some things that make it hard for people with absolutely zero experience/setup to jump in.
Ideally we could come up with solutions to these issues and put them in the lyceum - I feel like since most people here are not mappists that it makes sense to make the lyceum page for Doom & Boom beefier. A while ago I tried my best to make the lyceum pages more helpful but I know they're not perfect. (I may have infodumped a little bit.) An "I'm new to Doom/Boom" page, or links to succinct, noob-proof external resources, could be a solution as well. (Xaser suggested wrapping up some core programs in a "starter kit" which could be good too.)
I want it to be possible for someone to go from zero to submitting a working map within an OHB's timeframe. I think this more or less implies a more thorough overview of things because there are a lot of rookie mistakes that can make the map unplayable, and there's not always someone knowledgeable in the chat!
I've come up with a list of things that I saw today, but I'd like to hear from all of you as well.
* Configuring UDB and SLADE to recognize your IWADs and source ports (UDB "game configurations"/ SLADE "base resource archive"). Dragging stuff into the .exe is not great so people shouldn't have to do that
* Related: picking the right format in UDB
* Getting stuck in UDB visual mode (I just remembered the default in visual mode is ESDF for movement, cringe)
* Accidentally overwriting DoomII's PNAMES/TEXTURE1 thereby causing a signal 11 error on map load
* You can make changes in SLADE and they will live-update in UDB if you hit "reload resources"
* Converting textures to the right format (covered partially in lyceum, could be clearer)
* don't test in zdoom
* What the line actions mean (W1/WR/G1/etc.). Actually just explaining sectors/sector effects and linedefs/line actions, as well as tagging, would be good too.
* people wishing they could do UDMF scripting, like having monster death open doors. This is not a thing outside of very specific cases. In some instances you can fake it with line triggers
* Custom music... I think the format should explicitly ban using someone else's midi if it doesn't already
* Node builders. You shouldn't have to think about these.
* Lumps. How do they work?