mml editors
BotB Academy Bulletins
Level 29 Chipist
post #201364 :: 2024.11.19 11:22am
i'm now trying to use Mabilcco -

it's made on java - on gnu/linux the exe runs java interpreter on wine (for now it's not recognizing sound devices, and etc.) - and when running from "java -jar", a error message dialog appears... :S

what do you all think about this tool? and if anyone heard of alternatives?
Level 29 Chipist
post #201365 :: 2024.11.19 11:44am :: edit 2024.11.19 11:52am
trying it a bit more, seems to import midi files fine, but the mml file it saves seems formatted a bit different than usual... :S (i wonder how valid/legal is it, and what could be needed to make that valid enough)
Level 22 Chipist
post #201366 :: 2024.11.19 11:44am
  VirtualMan and nitrofurano liēkd this
oh having a music player in the editor seems great!

It's only plain text editing but for now I find that Emacs with the default editing/navigating shortcuts does a solid job! (I'm using SuperC)
Level 25 Chipist
post #201367 :: 2024.11.19 11:46am :: edit 2024.11.19 11:52am
From the page it it's inspired by 3MLE editor and also targets the same format, which is music scripts to be played in games like Mabinogi and MapleStory.

Since the sequence format is supposed to be as barebones as possible I wouldn't recommend it unless you _really_ want a visual representation. Even the basic syntax is very limited compared to other MML formats.

Also re: converters, there are many online, I don't think there's an enforceable way to make them illegal, but most of them will still be very limited compared to writing by hand and will need manual fixing most times too.
Level 29 Chipist
post #201368 :: 2024.11.19 11:50am :: edit 2024.11.20 2:24pm
cool! i was about trying everything, but i'm struggling a lot on starting (even following pedipanol's documentation... shame on me... :S ) - i'm specially curious about Yuzo Koshiro's iteration methodology used on that video on Onitama's channel at youtube ( )
Level 25 Chipist
post #201370 :: 2024.11.19 12:29pm
  nitrofurano liēkd this
As far as I know Yuzo Koshiro makes a Mockup on the DAW first then writes the MML on Mucom88, though for his most recent game he's using mmlgui for mdsdrv
Level 29 Chipist
post #201371 :: 2024.11.19 12:45pm :: edit 2024.11.19 12:56pm
@pedipanol since 80's? :O wow.. i have no idea about... (gryzor87 also composes everything on cubase first, and then convert to trackers - i'm a bit afraid he still uses deflemask... :O (we wonder why...) ) - and thanks! (edit: where can we get mmlgui builds there? )
Level 25 Chipist
post #201372 :: 2024.11.19 1:19pm :: edit 2024.11.19 1:54pm
  nitrofurano liēkd this
Of course not since the 80's lol, it's what he described his workflow for making mega drive music nowadays (at the time)

As for mmlgui, I guess it should be reported that the actions link is broken, but ctr uploads a Windows build to the discord server for the project. Also it was simple to compile and run on Linux for me though.
Level 29 Chipist
post #201390 :: 2024.11.19 2:41pm :: edit 2024.11.19 2:45pm
@pedipanol i asked because cubase was available for atari-st in the late 80s (for example, their very earlier version), would be that case

(about the link, i cant login on xitter... :S - what is there?)
Level 29 Chipist
post #201513 :: 2024.11.20 2:21pm
i'm now trying to interoperate mabilcco with mucom88 (reformating the mml strings from one to another), and mucom88 shows that flashing error when trying to play it (no idea why...)

A t250v15
B t250r16v15
C t250

A <c2l8&c.>c4daef<d4l16&da4&ac2&c8.>c&c4.
B <c+d+l8.>f+f+c+a+l4<g+c+r16>f+8.<d+g+c+r8v12
C r1.r1.r2.r8.v12arr16a+rr16<c+r2r16cr2>a+r2ar.g+r1r8

A f8d8ff4&f<g8>crv12l4f+<g+r16b>ed+n44a+n44f+r16n44d
B dr8.n58r8.v15g+8>g16rfv12gr8.cr2<dr2r8>cf<ar16>f+rr16
C f+r2.<dr1r<ar1.r2r8n54,l1.rrrrr2.v12<d4r1b4rrrrr8<g+4,;

A r16gn39r8dn44ar16dn42a+g+dr16ea+r16<cn54c+>er8dr16
B a+r.efrr16<d+g+r16a>d+rn34r2r.cr8.gr8.dd+r16frr8.en42r8

A f+r16n34cr16f<f+b+d+r16>df<c+n34bg+r16d+g+>f<c+r16
B cr16dr8.cr8.<<ar16>drr16c+l1.rr1r8f+4rr2r8

A d+cr.<ar2ar.ar2a>dr8.<a>cf+r2r16>f+r8.brn66r2r8.<
B f+4rrrrr1r2.r8.>>d+4,l8.rv15g+d+<g+4r1r4r>c+d+f+rc+l4r

A f+n66r8d<an54r2r8.>f+r16>br2>d+r16f+rr8.f+rn42r16
B a8<d+r8f+16rr16v12>dr.n44r2r8.frr8.<c+r.g>frn37r2arr8.

A f+r8n33r<f+n66r16dr16n33r1.r1r16>f+r1.r8.<dr8.n33
B cr2r8.dr8.cr2r.<c+rdr2r8>err8.gn33r2r16d+r8.f+r.<

A r2.>d+n54r1r.f+r2r.n38r1.r2r8f+rr1.r8.f+r8n54r1.r2r16
B g+,r1.r2.r16v12g+r1r.v15<d+16r2v12>ar8.g+r2r8.ar2n39rr16

A c+rr1.r8.<dr8n66r1.r2.dr16>f+r2r8.n42r1.r2r8c+r1.r1r16<
B e<crr16>fr2r16f+rr16fr2.fr8.n32r2.r16d+r<cr1.r8d+r2r16<

A dr8.n66r8.<d,v15a+8.<el16&ea4&ad4&dg4&gl8>acdfa<e.>
B ar2r.g+;

A dc-.l4e&e16a8.<g+g+>e8r16v12n37r16d+cr8.<gr16>f+fr16
A ded+r16ar16n44d+r8n44rd+<cr8d+n51c+r16g>ar16<c+r16br16
A d+g+r8.>fr8<d+g+r8d+r16c+n32g+n54c+g+r16cr16g+r8.d>e<
A cr16>en42f+r16gn39rdr2r16<f+r.drr8.>dr2r8.d<<ar2.n63r16>
A cr8.<ar1.r8n63r2.r8.n66ar2r16>f+r8.n61rr16<ar>
A drr8.n63rr16>br2r16n42l1.rrrb4rrr1r4>c+4rrrrr2.r8.<<
A f+4,r16v15l8dfeagf<c+4d+4>f+.a+.r<g+4>efcdaf<d+4rl8.>
A d+f+c+r16c8<a16rv12l4cd+r8.>fa<d+r16b+r8d+r8br16f+r16>
A g+r16crr16cr16<dg+r16b+g+c>gr8g+<g+r8.f+r.<ar16>c>er8.<
A g+br16<ar16a+r8ar16>b+r16d>d+rf<c+<a+r8n50a+r8.ar2r8>
A drr8.crr8.>dr2<cr2.r8.dr1>dr8.n61r1.r1rdr8.<cl1.rr1r16
A f+4r1r8.>>c+4rrrr16<<f+4rrrrrrrr2l4r.d;
Level 25 Chipist
post #201517 :: 2024.11.20 4:15pm :: edit 2024.11.20 4:19pm
  nitrofurano liēkd this
My first guess is the 'n' command used here that doesn't exist in Mucom88

I suggest you copy the script by hand and playing the song as you write so you can understand what's happening better and learn in the process
Level 29 Chipist
post #201535 :: 2024.11.21 1:23am :: edit 2024.11.21 10:02am
thanks! :)

(edit: besides 'n' command, mabilcco uses ',' for separating channels using the same instrument (from midi poliphony), and ';' seems to end the mml string there - so, converting from mabilcco mmi to a mml file by hand demands some attention and patience... )

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