fun browser mml toy
BotB Academy Bulletins
Level 29 Mixist
post #198006 :: 2024.09.24 7:54am :: edit 2024.09.24 8:30am
  lasersphaser, CouldntBeMe, nitrofurano, Mrperson987, SRB2er, Juan Reina and Talen liēkd this

supports 8 bit poop crap mode (pico) and gm.dls sounds (soundfont)



トラック1 音量110 音色FretlessBass
トラック2 音量120
トラック3 音量120
トラック4 音量120
トラック5 音量110
トラック6 音量120 音色Flute
トラック7 音量60 音色Marimba q50

トラック8 音量127 チャンネル10
トラック9 音量127 チャンネル10
トラック10 音量100 チャンネル10

// pattern 0
トラック8 v127 o3
c2 r8r8r8c8 r8c8c8r8 r8r8r8c8
c4c4 r8r8r8c8 r8r8c8r8 r8r8c8c8
c2 r8r8r8c8 r8c8c8r8 r8r8r8c8
c4c4 r8r8r8c8 r8r8c8r8 r8r8c8c8

トラック10 o4
r2 e2 r2 e2
r2 e2 r8f8r8r8 e2
r2 e2 r2 e2
r2 e2 r8f8r8r8 e4e8e8

o3 l8 v88
rrf+f+ rrf+r rrf+f+ rrf+r
rrf+f+ rrf+r rrf+f+ rrf+r
rrf+f+ rrf+r rrf+f+ rrf+r
rrf+f+ rrf+r rrf+f+ rrf+r


g16a16 &a8 g8e8 r8d8 r8e4r8 r4 r8c8 d8e8
f+4 g8f+8 r8d8 c8d4r8 r4r8 c8 d8e8
c8d8 e8g8 r8e8 r8g8 r8r8 r8e8 g8e8 a8d4
d+16d16c8r8 r4 r4 r4 r4 r4 r4

トラック7 o7
a8g8e8c8 a8g8e8c8 a8g8e8c8 a8g8e8c8
a8f+8d8c8 a8f+8d8c8 a8f+8d8c8 a8f+8d8c8
a8f8c8<a8 >a8f8c8<a8 >a8f8c8<a8 >a8f8c8<a8
>a8e8d8<b8 >a8e8d8<b8 >g+8e8d8<b8 >g+8e8d8<b8

a4>g8a8 d8e16r16d8c8 <r8a8>c8<a8>d4 e4
d4e8g8 r8a8r8d4c8<a4 d4e4
f4>c8<f8 >g8a8>c8d4c8<f4c+4>d4
<e4>e8e8 e8e8<e8>e8 r8e8<e8r8 >e8e8<e8r8

トラック2 o4
g1 ^1
a1 ^1
a1 ^1
a1 g+1

トラック3 o5
c1 ^1
c1 ^1
c1 ^1
o4b1 b1

トラック4 o5
e1 ^1
f+1 ^1
e1 ^1
e1 d1

// pattern 1
トラック8 v127 o3
c2 r8r8r8c8 r8c8c8r8 r8r8r8c8
c4c4 r8r8r8c8 r8r8c8r8 r8r8c8c8
c2 r8r8r8c8 r8c8c8r8 r8r8r8c8
c4c4 r8r8r8c8 r8r8c8r8 r8r8c8c8

トラック10 o4
r2 e2 r2 e2
r2 e2 r8f8r8r8 e2
r2 e2 r2 e2
r2 e2 r8f8r8r8 e4e8e8

o3 l8 v88
rrf+f+ rrf+r rrf+f+ rrf+r
rrf+f+ rrf+r rrf+f+ rrf+r
rrf+f+ rrf+r rrf+f+ rrf+r
rrf+f+ rrf+r rrf+f+ rrf+r

c8d8e8g4 g16f16e8g8 r8e8 r8g8 r8e8 a8
d4 d+16d16 c8d4 c8 r8d8 r8c8 d8e16.r32 e16f16e8d8c8
<b8>c8 <b8g4 e8 r8g8 r8r8 r8e8 g8e8 a8d4
d+16d16 c8r8 r4 r4 r4 r4 r4 r4

トラック7 o7
a8g8e8c8 a8g8e8c8 a8g8e8c8 a8g8e8c8
a8f+8d8c8 a8f+8d8c8 a8f+8d8c8 a8f+8d8c8
a8f8c8<a8 >a8f8c8<a8 >a8f8c8<a8 >a8f8c8<a8
>g+8d+8c8<g+8 >g+8d+8c8<g+8 >a+8f8d8<a+8 >a+8f8d8<a+8

a4>g8a8 d8e16r16d8c8 <r8a8>c8<a8>d4 e4
d4e8g8 r8a8r8d4c8<a4 d4e4
f4>c8<f8 >g8a8>c8d4c8<f4c+4>d4
<<g+4>g+8g+8 g+8g+8<g+8>g+8 r8a+8<e8a+8 >a+8a+8<a+8r8

トラック2 o4
g1 ^1
a1 ^1
a1 ^1
g+1 f1

トラック3 o5
c1 ^1
c1 ^1
c1 ^1
c1 <a+1>

トラック4 o5
o5e1 ^1
f+1 ^1
e1 ^1
d+1 d1

Level 16 Chipist
post #198011 :: 2024.09.24 9:03am
yoooooooooo I love this so much holy shit
Level 20 Chipist
post #198012 :: 2024.09.24 10:02am
brewser tool yoy :)
Level 9 Mixist
post #198013 :: 2024.09.24 10:17am :: edit 2024.09.24 10:18am
Level 29 Mixist
post #198033 :: 2024.09.25 4:29am
  SRB2er liēkd this
post songs u made in this thread

SoundType={pico} // also sounds ok with {soundfont}

トラック1 v100 音色Clavi
トラック2 チャンネル4 v90 q70 音色Trumpet
トラック3 チャンネル4 v90 q70 音色Trumpet
トラック4 チャンネル4 v90 q70 音色Trumpet
トラック5 チャンネル4 v90 q70 音色Trumpet
トラック6 v100 音色SlapBass1
トラック7 チャンネル10
トラック8 チャンネル10
トラック9 v127 チャンネル2 音色BrassSection
トラック10 v127 チャンネル3 音色BrassSection
トラック11 v80 チャンネル4 音色Duclimer

トラック1 o3 l8
o2g+4 >f+16r16g+ c+d+ "bc+ &c+<b ra+ &a+ba+ f+g+ &g+ >f+g+16r16 c+d+ "bc+ &c+<b16r16 ra+ &a+b `c+r
f4 >f+16r16g+ c+d+ "bc+ &c+<b ra+ &a+ba+ f+g+ g+ >f+g+16r16 c+d+ "bc+ &c+<b16r16 ra+ &a+>ba+f+
g+4 o2>f+16r16g+ c+d+ "bc+ &c+<b ra+ &a+ba+ f+g+ &g+ >f+g+16r16 c+d+ "bc+ &c+<b16r16 ra+ &a+b `c+r
f4 >f+16r16g+ c+d+ "bc+ &c+<b ra+ &a+ba+ f+g+ g+ >f+g+16r16 c+d+ "bc+ &c+<b16r16 ra+ &a+>ba+f+

トラック6 o2 l8
o2g+4 >f+16r16g+ c+d+ "bc+ &c+<b ra+ &a+ba+ f+g+ &g+ >f+g+16r16 c+d+ "bc+ &c+<b16r16 ra+ &a+b `c+r
f4 >f+16r16g+ c+d+ "bc+ &c+<b ra+ &a+ba+ f+g+ g+ >f+g+16r16 c+d+ "bc+ &c+<b16r16 ra+ &a+>ba+f+
g+4 o2>f+16r16g+ c+d+ "bc+ &c+<b ra+ &a+ba+ f+g+ &g+ >f+g+16r16 c+d+ "bc+ &c+<b16r16 ra+ &a+b `c+r
f4 >f+16r16g+ c+d+ "bc+ &c+<b ra+ &a+ba+ f+g+ g+ >f+g+16r16 c+d+ "bc+ &c+<b16r16 ra+ &a+>ba+f+

トラック2 o4 l4
g+ g+8 g+ g+8 r8 g+ g+ g+ g+4 g+8
f+ f+8 f+ g+8 r8 f+ f+ f+ f+4 f+8
g+ g+8 g+ g+8 r8 g+ g+ g+ g+4 g+8
f+ f+8 f+ g+8 r8 g g g g4 g8

トラック3 o4 l4
b r8 b r8 r8 b r8 b b8 r4.
a+ r8 a+ r8 r8 a+ r8 a+ a+8 r4.
b r8 b r8 r8 b r8 b b8 r4.
a+ r8 a+ r8 r8 a+ r8 a+ a+8 r4.

トラック4 o5 l4
d+ r8 d+ r8 r8 d+ r8 d+ d+8 r4.
c+ r8 c+ r8 r8 c+ r8 c+ c+8 r4.
c+ r8 c+ r8 r8 c+ r8 c+ c+8 r4.
c+ r8 c+ r8 r8 c+ r8 c+ c+8 r4.

トラック7 o3
c2 c2 c2 c2 c2 c2 c2 c2
c2 c2 c2 c2 c2 c2 c2 c2
c2 c2 c2 c2 c2 c2 c2 c2
c2 c2 c2 c2 c2 c2 c2 c2

トラック8 o3 l8

トラック9 l8
o6p64v127 g+g+ r4 r4 r8 g+4 f+ d+r c+4 "g+"b
d+4 f+r12d24 c+4 "bc+ &c+4 d+r r4 r4
r4 r4 r4 r4 r4 r4 r4 r4
r4 r4 r4 o5p60v40rf+16g16 &gd+ &d+c+8 rc+16&d16 c+"b

トラック10 o5 l8
bb r4 r4 r8 g+4 f+ d+r c+4 "g+"b
d+4 f+r12d24 c+4 "bc+ &c+4 d+r r4 r8r24c+24d24
d+f+ d+g+ rf+ rg+ rf+ g+16a+16&a+8 ba+ f+d16c+16&c+4
"bc+ r"b rf+16g16 &gd+ &d+c+8 rc+16&d16 c+"b

トラック11 o7 l8
[4 "bd+ "g+f+]
[4 "a+f+ "f+c+]
[4 "bd+ "fc+]
[2 "a+f+ "d+c+][2 "a+g "d+c+]
Level 20 Chipist
post #198046 :: 2024.09.25 12:29pm
btw rq what do the + mean

(yes i read the docs)
Level 29 Mixist
post #198074 :: 2024.09.26 6:57am :: edit 2024.09.26 8:55am
  SRB2er liēkd this
@SRB2er it's a sharp. you can do flats with - but i have used trackers and piano rolls for over 10 years now and therefore cannot comprehend flats any longer.

this mml dialect seems to try be usable for music beginner japanese people and supports both english and japanese input (including japanized do-re-mi for notes instead of abcdefg). it outputs to midi.

i haven't really fully read the docs myself, just messing around. here's a quick translation of the basic commands that are in japanese. you can copy paste them into your song

テンポ260 = set tempo to 260bpm. you can use Tempo(260)
トラック3= track 3 (sakura's internal track, i think this is like a virtual channel?). Track(3) works too
音色SlapBass1 = set instrument to gm.dls slap bass 1
チャンネル2 = output to midi channel 2 (different from track). Channel(2) works too. use Channel(10) for drums (like standard midi).
音量100=set volume to 100 for the current track. you can use v for this (eg v100)

in the piano view:
挿入 whether to insert notes from the clickable piano into the song. turn OFF for keyjazzing/testing out ideas
発音 switches whether to hear the notes when clicking on the piano
ドレミ whether to insert notes as japanese do-re-mi (ON) or note letters (OFF)
Level 20 Chipist
post #198076 :: 2024.09.26 7:25am

also I thought you wrote this mml thing :skull:

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