Level 10 Pixelist
post #197996 ::
2024.09.23 8:07pm
kleeder, mirageofher, nitrofurano, Opilion, SRB2er and damifortune liēkd this
kleeder, mirageofher, nitrofurano, Opilion, SRB2er and damifortune liēkd this
I've been trying to add the Fairchild Channel F's sound chip to Furnace tracker... and I've been doing well implementing it into the code until now... but when I think about make the sound emulation and a custom rom export for a comfy way to make music for the console, I always think on the idea of improve the Sleizsa Trio engine, and that improvement bring me a concept of make a dynamic sound engine, one where instrument, pattern, playback and others abtract routines can being loaded and unloaded to suit with the needs of the song... but it means MANY new things to add, like a full emulations of the channel f system, an assembler, an algorithm to handle all of that, implementation of these features and the GUI and... and furnace just... can't handle it, I thing about make another chiptune tracker over furnace's base, but it means I'll spend a lot of time making all of these things and... maybe test it on others systems- I being so ambitious again! anyways I'll try to first make the furnace Sleizsa implementation just for the rom export, whit that i can be more confortable to build a new sound engine, if the engine works like I expect it will... then I gonna need much coffee to survive for the next TTwTT
However, I'll be posting anything I considering interesting to know about my crazy ideas here, just like a way to remember that there outside is a world, and (try) to break a while for my mind.
(And all of it just start for know about a 70's unpopular game console...)
However, I'll be posting anything I considering interesting to know about my crazy ideas here, just like a way to remember that there outside is a world, and (try) to break a while for my mind.
(And all of it just start for know about a 70's unpopular game console...)