Favorites browser is broken
BotB Academy Bug Reports and Feature Requests
Level 6 Playa
post #177177 :: 2023.09.23 1:44pm
I can't access my favorites anymore. Clicking on the favorites link brings up a loading animation for a short while but it disappears and nothing comes up. The debug console has an error:

Uncaught TypeError: entry_browser.update is not a function

If you go directly to the URL for it, it loads what I think is part of it but doesn't actually show any entry. If you click on the listen button it will load a player (in the same window) that appears to just give you a random selection of all music.

This happens both in Firefox and Chrome.
Level 29 Hostist
post #177181 :: 2023.09.23 5:17pm
my guess is there is a bug for folks who have no entries

i'll be able to dig into it soon
Level 29 Hostist
post #177188 :: 2023.09.23 9:42pm
  Abraxas86, Delita, damifortune and Minerscale liēkd this
should be fixed now
Level 6 Playa
post #177317 :: 2023.09.26 4:07pm
  puke7 liēkd this
I just checked and verified it's working. Thanks for the fast fix!

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